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Adrian Roselli
SaaS Trained State CRT

All Posts Tagged: speaking

Speaking at WordCamp Buffalo 2013

This Saturday I will be speaking at Buffalo’s second WordCamp. Last year was a great day-long event filled with many good speakers (not just me!), so I am looking forward to being an attendee as well. If you are new to WordCamp Buffalo, a quick overview: WordCamp Buffalo is a…


Tags: print, speaking

My Presentation Slides: Making Your Site Printable

On Friday, May 17 I had the pleasure of speaking for the first time at Stir Trek, a one-day conference in Columbus, Ohio, that drew over 1,200 attendees (and I understand sold out in just a few minutes). Apparently the name is a reference to the MIX developer conference, for…


Tags: css, html, print, QR, slides, speaking, standards, UX

My WordCamp Presentation: Content Strategy

On Saturday, October 20, 2012, I spoke at the first ever WordCamp Buffalo. I am a casual WordPress user, not a developer, though my decade-and-a-half experience with multiple blogs and content management systems (even writing our own CMS at Algonquin Studios) gives me plenty of insight into the overall process…


Tags: project management, slides, speaking

Speaking at WordCamp Buffalo

Having returned late last night from a six-timezone jump and an almost complete disconnect from technology, in just two days I’ll be back up to full strength as I speak at WordCamp Buffalo on Saturday, October 20, 2012. Some information about the event from the site: WordCamp Buffalo is a…


Tags: speaking

Speaking at Buffalo’s Entrepalooza 2012 – May 10

Buffalo has had an Entrepalooza event for eight years now that caters to small businesses, start-ups, and any manner of entrepreneur. University at Buffalo’s Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Alumni Association (CELAA) has also run an Ask the Experts session of round-table discussions along with an expo for local small businesses.…


Tags: speaking

Buffalo Foodie Panel

In just under one week’s time, the Buffalo chapter of Social Media Club will be hosting a panel discussion featuring local food bloggers, restaurant reviewers, and food business owners who have found success using social media. Here’s the scoop: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:00pm — 8:30pm Artisan Kitchen and Baths…


Tags: food, social media, speaking

Speaking: Accessible Web Apps & Standards

I will be speaking twice in September, both of them sponsored by Infotech Niagara. If you’re in the Buffalo area, these are great opportunities to boost my ego and watch me cruise abandoned plates for food. Developing Coding Standards The first event is Developing Coding Standards, where I will be…


Tags: accessibility, internet, speaking, standards, usability, W3C, WAI, WCAG

UB School of Management Talk: Social Media in Business

Last night I had the pleasure to speak to a class from the University at Buffalo School of Management about social media use in business. It gave me an opportunity to distill my experiences with clients and as a consumer into a far-reaching discussion in under three hours. Hardly any…


Tags: social media, speaking

MOM 2.0 Summit Notes

Keynote and opening remarks by Gretchen Rubin and Heloise. I have no photos of me in the panel, except the one I found online where I look like a startled rabbit. Which may not be far from the truth.If you’ve paid any attention to my blog (as in, read the…


Tags: speaking, usability

Speaking at Mom 2.0 in Houston, TX

I will be in Houston this week to speak at the Mom 2.0 Summit (Feb. 18-20, 2010, Houston, TX). To make it a little easier to describe, here’s their description of the event:Talk shop with social media influencers, industry leaders and leading brands as they share best practices. Discuss ways…


Tags: speaking, usability

Reminder: See Me Speak, Tues. Nov. 3

I will be one of the panelists at the Infotech Niagara panel session titled “Maximizing Your Web Presence.” It takes place Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 8:00am at Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s conference room, 665 Main Street, Suite 200, Buffalo, New York 14203 (map below). BNP has parking information at their…


Tags: SEM, SEO, social media, speaking, standards

Come See Me: November 3

I will be one of the panelists at the Infotech Niagara panel session titled “Maximizing Your Web Presence.” It takes place Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 8:00am at Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s conference room, 665 Main Street, Suite 200, Buffalo, New York 14203 (map below). BNP has parking information at their…


Tags: SEM, SEO, social media, speaking, standards