My WordCamp Buffalo 2013 Presentation: Making Your Site Printable

Official 2013 WordCamp Buffalo banner.

Today I spoke at Buffalo’s second WordCamp. I am a casual WordPress user, not a developer, though my decade-and-a-half experience with multiple blogs and content management systems (even writing our own CMS at Algonquin Studios) gives me plenty of insight into the common challenges users and developers face across all platforms.

I have also learned that few developers work on just one platform. Nearly all of us touch more than one platform in our careers (or workday), and my experience from last year is that everyone attending falls into that boat. When I made these slides I wanted to make sure I was presenting ideas and concepts that developers could take to any platform.

There will be video of my talk (featuring my awful sense of humor) in probably a month or so (based on last year’s timeline). When it’s available I will post it here.

That being said, you don’t need to be a WordPress developer to get something from these slides. Enjoy!

Making your site printable: WordCamp Buffalo 2013

My presentation is now on (as of Dec. 2, 2013). You can also enjoy the embedded version of it below.

In addition, I collected a couple tweets about my talk (yay, validation!):

Bonus: Links to Slides from Talks I Attended

Extra Bonus

Looks like the WooThemes slider/carousel will be getting Google Analytics event tracking built in for a future release — now you don’t need to be a coder to figure out if anyone is clicking your carousel:

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