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Adrian Roselli
AI-Powered Virtualization Tool-Set sFTP

All Posts Tagged: speaking

ACE! Conference Slides: Selfish Accessibility

In addition to the slides, I’ve embedded video of my talk and way too many tweets after that. Video Impressing everyone on the internet, Paul Klipp has already gotten videos from ACE! posted less than 24 hours after the event ended. That’s impressive. I understand his tactic is to upload…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Booster Conference Slides: Making Your Site Printable

I’ll fill this up with notes and other content later, but in the meantime here are the slides from my talk this morning: I’ve written a bunch of handy stuff on print styles, here are some links (or you can see all posts tagged print on my blog) along with…


Tags: css, print, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX

Speaking at Avega Group in Stockholm

Rounding out my European tour (I’ll be at Booster in Bergen and ACE! in Krakow) is a speaking gig not at a conference. I’ve been grabbed by the fine folks at Avega Group to speak to their team in Stockholm on the evening of March 19. I’ll be speaking about…


Tags: accessibility, speaking, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Speaking at Booster Conference in Bergen

A couple days ago I mentioned that I’d be speaking at the Ace! Conference in Krakow. I also suggested I might have other speaking gigs around the same time in Europe. Now I can announce that I’ll be in Bergen, Norway speaking at the Booster Conference. Most of my talks…


Tags: analytics, print, speaking, standards

Speaking at ACE! Conference in Krakow

I’ll be spending much of March bringing my shining personality to Europe, partially in the form of speaking engagements. The first one I can announce is the sixth annual ACE! Conference in Krakow Poland on March 16 and 17. Somewhere within that two day conference I’ll be talking about accessibility.…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, speaking, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

WordCamp Toronto Slides: Selfish Accessibility

As promised, slides from my talk this morning at WordCamp Toronto: I have also embedded the video: Ego-Building Tweets I like audience feedback, moreso when it’s positive. I’ve also added some general tweets about the accessibility track. Starting the day with "Selfish Accessibility" #A11Y #WCTO— Alicia Jarvis (@AJarvis728) November…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, slides, speaking, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Speaking at WordCamp Toronto 2014

Cool Schedule for WordCampTO, even if it does include @aardrian— Karl Groves (@karlgroves) October 23, 2014 On Saturday, November 15 I will be kicking off WordCamp Toronto with my talk “Selfish Accessibility.” In case you haven’t been following my blog, I use the talk to make the case that…


Tags: accessibility, speaking, standards

NAGW Slides: Responsive Web Design Primer

I just finished a webinar for the National Association of Government Web Professionals where I provided an overview of responsive design. I always struggle when I cannot see the audience, but as always my ego carries me through to the end. The slides are embedded here for any and all…


Tags: analytics, css, design, html, mobile, slides, speaking, usability, UX

UX Singapore Slides: Selfish Accessibility

Photo of me speaking, fighting the sun, provided by Camilla Choo. Original photo on Twitter. In a departure from the other times I have given this talk, I gutted all the slides with code samples as well as the slides on testing (although I did keep them handy and use…


Tags: accessibility, design, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

Accessibility Camp Toronto Slides: Selfish Accessibility

I’ve updated this post to include the video from the live stream, some links, and a few photos. Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp Toronto 2014 Video There was a live stream throughout the day, which was broken into a morning video and afternoon video. I’ve embedded the morning stream because it…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, slides, speaking, W3C, WAI, WCAG

10 Years Ago: TOevolt

During Buffalo WordCamp last weekend, co-organizer Ben Dunkle asked about what he said was one of the best conferences he ever attended — TOevolt. It prompted me to look up the photos I took and I discovered that it was 10 years ago today. TOevolt was the Toronto version of…


Tags: speaking

WordCamp Buffalo Slides: Selfish Accessibility

The Buffalo WordCamp shirt was again printed by You and Who (whose logo is visible where the tag would be), which means that 1,600 meals were donated (one for each shirt) to those in need. I think every WordCamp should do this. (related tweet) Buffalo WordCamp has just wrapped up…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, slides, speaking, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG