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Adrian Roselli
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All Posts Tagged: speaking

Speaking at Learning Choices Network Gathering

In a break from the last few speaking engagements I’ve listed this week, which have all been about web technologies and best practices, I get to list an event that isn’t about the web at all. Sorta. Learning Choices Network (LCN) is a local (to Buffalo) organization focusing on alternative…


Tags: speaking

Speaking for National Association of Government Web Professionals

Much as I would like to say that I will be speaking at the National Association of Government Web Professionals (NAGW, I don’t know where the “P” went, perhaps it was originally “Webmasters?”) conference in September, I won’t be. I was, however, asked to do a separate webinar for members…


Tags: mobile, speaking, standards, touch, usability

Speaking at UX Singapore 2014

By far the farthest-from-home of my speaking engagements to date, I’m thrilled to be speaking at UXSG (User Experience Singapore). Having attended its sister event, UX Hong Kong (UXHK), last year I can say that I am excited not just to speak but to hear from all the other great…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, speaking, standards, WAI, WCAG

Speaking at Accessibility Camp Toronto 2014

I am excited to say that I will be speaking at Accessibility Camp Toronto in late September. It probably goes without saying that I’ll be speaking on accessibility. Given Toronto’s proximity to my home town of Buffalo, and the fact that I used to wander up to Toronto about once…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, speaking, standards, WAI, WCAG

Speaking at WordCamp Buffalo 2014

On Saturday, September 13, I will have the pleasure of speaking at WordCamp Buffalo for its (and my) third year. Based on the speaker line-up there will be plenty of great topics, so I look forward to being an attendee as well. If you are new to WordCamp Buffalo, a…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, speaking, standards, WAI, WCAG

CSS Summit 2014 Slides: Making Your Site Printable

This afternoon I awkwardly stumbled through my talk for CSS Summit, Making Your Site Printable. I can tell you that speaking to a screen instead of to a room full of people is a whole different experience than I was expecting. Fortunately for you I do not have an audio/video…


Tags: css, print, slides, speaking, standards

Speaking at CSS Summit

In just under two weeks the 6th annual online, live CSS and SASS conference, CSS Summit, will be underway and I have been asked to speak on print styles. You don’t have to deal with airports, hotels, taxis, or strangers. Heck, you don’t even need to leave your desk. The…


Tags: css, print, speaking, standards

HTML5 Developer Conference Slides: Selfish Accessibility

Today I had the pleasure of speaking at the HTML5 Developer Conference in lovely San Francisco. I presented on accessibility and how it relates to you as a current and future user with my presentation Selfish Accessibility. The full abstract: We can all pretend that we’re helping others by making…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Speaking on Accessibility at 2014 HTML5 Developer Conference

I will have the pleasure of speaking at the 2014 HTML5 Developer Conference in San Francisco, taking place May 19 through May 23 (I’ll be speaking on May 22). The quick overview of the conference: The HTML5 Developer Conference has grown to become the highest attended HTML5, JavaScript, and Web…


Tags: accessibility, html, speaking, standards

On-Demand WayBack URLs

While this may be old news to some of you (just over a week now), I only discovered this weekend that the Internet Archive Wayback Machine can archive a page for you, with its own URL, on demand. Thanks to a tweet from Jennifer Sutton, I came across the post…


Tags: internet, search, speaking

Slides: Responsive Web Design Primer

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting the University at Buffalo (my alma mater) to give a presentation for its CIT professional development series. I got to talk about responsive design. Knowing in advance that the room would have technical and non-technical users I went for a code-free presentation. One…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, html, mobile, print, project management, slides, speaking, standards, touch, usability, UX

My WordCamp Buffalo 2013 Presentation: Making Your Site Printable

Today I spoke at Buffalo’s second WordCamp. I am a casual WordPress user, not a developer, though my decade-and-a-half experience with multiple blogs and content management systems (even writing our own CMS at Algonquin Studios) gives me plenty of insight into the common challenges users and developers face across all…


Tags: print, slides, speaking