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Adrian Roselli
Outsourced Trained System SME

All Posts Tagged: slides

CSS Summit 2014 Slides: Making Your Site Printable

This afternoon I awkwardly stumbled through my talk for CSS Summit, Making Your Site Printable. I can tell you that speaking to a screen instead of to a room full of people is a whole different experience than I was expecting. Fortunately for you I do not have an audio/video…


Tags: css, print, slides, speaking, standards

HTML5 Developer Conference Slides: Selfish Accessibility

Today I had the pleasure of speaking at the HTML5 Developer Conference in lovely San Francisco. I presented on accessibility and how it relates to you as a current and future user with my presentation Selfish Accessibility. The full abstract: We can all pretend that we’re helping others by making…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Slides: Responsive Web Design Primer

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting the University at Buffalo (my alma mater) to give a presentation for its CIT professional development series. I got to talk about responsive design. Knowing in advance that the room would have technical and non-technical users I went for a code-free presentation. One…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, html, mobile, print, project management, slides, speaking, standards, touch, usability, UX

My WordCamp Buffalo 2013 Presentation: Making Your Site Printable

Today I spoke at Buffalo’s second WordCamp. I am a casual WordPress user, not a developer, though my decade-and-a-half experience with multiple blogs and content management systems (even writing our own CMS at Algonquin Studios) gives me plenty of insight into the common challenges users and developers face across all…


Tags: print, slides, speaking

My Presentation Slides: Making Your Site Printable

On Friday, May 17 I had the pleasure of speaking for the first time at Stir Trek, a one-day conference in Columbus, Ohio, that drew over 1,200 attendees (and I understand sold out in just a few minutes). Apparently the name is a reference to the MIX developer conference, for…


Tags: css, html, print, QR, slides, speaking, standards, UX

My WordCamp Presentation: Content Strategy

On Saturday, October 20, 2012, I spoke at the first ever WordCamp Buffalo. I am a casual WordPress user, not a developer, though my decade-and-a-half experience with multiple blogs and content management systems (even writing our own CMS at Algonquin Studios) gives me plenty of insight into the overall process…


Tags: project management, slides, speaking