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Adrian Roselli
Pre-trained Modeling State RTFM

All Posts Tagged: pattern

Links List for Print Styles

I should qualify that I started writing this script and CSS, based on another experiment of mine, before I saw Aaron Gustafson’s 2005 ALA post Improving Link Display for Print. He uses similar techniques 12½ years ago that I use here, but with different syntax. Because scripting and styling has…


Tags: css, html, JavaScript, pattern, print

Functions to Add ARIA to Tables and Lists

Related Other posts in this accidental series: Layout as a Clue to Semantics Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset Tables, JSON, CSS, ARIA, RWD, TLAs… Tables, CSS Display Properties, and ARIA A Responsive Accessible Table Hey, It’s Still OK to Use Tables When I presented my talk CSS Display…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, pattern, standards, tables

Accessible Memes Can Be Done

By now most of you have seen that four panel American Chopper meme. For those who cannot see, it whisked across Twitter as yet another undescribed image in a sea of inaccessible memes. Heck, for those of us whose data plan crapped out, it was just a missing block in…


Tags: accessibility, pattern, usability, UX

SVG Filtering for Windows High Contrast Mode

Update 21 January 2021: This post addresses the previous / original engine for Microsoft Edge (Legacy Edge or Ledgacy). Since Edge’s switch to the Chromium rendering engine (becoming Chromiedge), the proprietary feature queries are no longer supported and this technique may no longer work or may need to be amended…


Tags: accessibility, css, Edge, pattern, WHCM

GitHub Contributions Chart

Perhaps a testament to how little I might value GitHub contributions. GitHub profile pages are, to many, the de facto place to quickly judge the value of a developer. The contributions chart is an at-a-glance visual indicator of that value. I disagree completely with the notion of the chart (or…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, mobile, pattern, standards, usability, UX, WHCM

Tweaking Text Level Styles

It’s a bit of a pain to pepper updates within the sections of the post, so just scroll down to the latest update and work your way back up. Considering how much I charge for this site, I am hoping my readers will accept the extra effort. This post is…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, standards, usability, UX, WHCM

A Responsive Accessible Table

Painfully slow demonstration of the example table resizing and different media queries kicking in. After writing (again) that it is ok to use tables, and after providing quick examples of responsive tables, I received questions about why I used some of the code I did. I am going to attempt…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, html, mobile, pattern, print, standards, tables, usability, UX, WHCM

Hey, It’s Still OK to Use Tables

Baby Boomerangutuang, one of the Tick’s students. He was just shouting It’s OK to play with dolls! Consider this post to be the sequel to my 2012 post It’s OK to Use Tables. Here I will go into bit more detail based on the state of accessible efforts I see…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, pattern, standards, tables, usability, UX

Under-Engineered Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxen

Note: September 25, 2021 If you do not need to support IE, Legacy Edge, or older versions of Firefox, then I encourage you to ignore this post and instead read Scott O’Hara’s post One last time: custom styling radio buttons and checkboxes. Updated August 17, 2019 I have updated this…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, usability, UX, WHCM

Accessible Emoji, Tweaked

Warning: The approach outlined in this post does not conform to WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus, introduced in 2018 (two years after this post date). The CSS-only tool-tip described within cannot be dismissed and is not persistent. If you want to enhance it with JavaScript…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, html, pattern, print, usability, UX

Building Custom Documentation into Your WordPress Site

A few months ago (that read “days ago” when I started this post in April) I attended WordCamp Buffalo and saw a great talk on training and educating clients for using WordPress by Jen Witkowski (you can view her slides). While there is a free, regularly-updated, and unofficial manual (Easy…


Tags: pattern, project management, usability, UX, WordPress

Tweaked ‘Better Method’ YouTube Embed

Last week Amit Agarwal posted a great tutorial on making YouTube embeds less of a burden for users, A Better Method for Embedding YouTube Videos on your Website. The abstract: Learn how to embed YouTube videos responsively and without increasing the page load time. The embeds are light and mobile…


Tags: css, html, JavaScript, pattern, usability, UX, YouTube