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Adrian Roselli
Outsourced Virtualization Model CLI

All Posts Tagged: Microsoft

Stepping Back from the Edge

Due to lack of overwhelming request, you can download this logo (SVG). By now it is old news, in Internet time, that Microsoft Edge will replace its rendering engine with Chromium. Nearly six years ago I wrote about Opera dumping Presto to move to Chromium. The landscape is slightly different…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Microsoft, standards, W3C, whatwg

OS: High Contrast versus Inverted Colors

Low resolution screen shots combined to show the same page as seen using Windows High Contrast Mode and macOS Invert Colors settings. There are different ways to make a web page more easy to read, but there are two options that come directly from the operating system that many developers…


Tags: accessibility, Apple, Microsoft, WHCM

Microsoft Edge Web Summit Recap

I just got back from attending my first (and Microsoft’s third) Microsoft Edge Web Summit, a one-day conference that Microsoft hosted in Seattle to promote its overall web platform work, including the progress it has made with Edge and where Edge is headed. Generally vendor conferences do not interest me.…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Edge, Microsoft, standards

Burying Windows XP with IE11 Enterprise Mode

Screen shot from Microsoft’s presentation on IE11 Enterprise Mode, showing what browsers are available on what versions of Windows. Note that the Venn-ish diagram has no IE11 intersection for Windows 8. As of today, Windows XP has effectively reached its end of life. What I mean by that is that…


Tags: browser, clients, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, standards

Screen Shots of Win8/IE10 Media Query Values

There is a nifty tool at which gives you a breakdown of how your device reports features you might use for media queries. To use the tool’s own explanation: This test isn’t about what media que­ries your device can or cannot see (but it does show an ‘unsupported’ label…


Tags: browser, css, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, mobile

App Store Meta Tags

Why yes, Dominos, I’d love to tap again to get your real home page to order a pizza when I could have done it right here, below your over-sized app pitch that could be done in a tiny ribbon. This may be old news to some of you, but I…


Tags: Apple, apps, browser, html, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, mobile, Safari, UX

Google Maps: Misbehaving with UA Sniffing

Here’s the TL;DR: Google Maps sniffs a browser’s user agent string. If it finds Internet Explorer on Windows Phone, then it kicks it over to the mobile home page. So let’s be clear. It’s 2013 and one of the biggest companies on the internet is using a sniffer to…


Tags: browser, geolocation, Google, internet, Microsoft, mobile, rant, standards, usability, UX

Don’t Expect Microsoft’s Auto-Update to Kill IE6

Last week Microsoft announced that it is planning to start upgrading users to the latest version of Internet Explorer that their computers can run (IE to Start Automatic Upgrades across Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7). Web developers for the most part were overjoyed with the notion that IE6,…


Tags: accessibility, browser, internet, Internet Explorer, Microsoft

Patent Wars Sorta-Infographic

I’m giving in to the cool hip trend of infographics that has been popping up like pinkeye across blogging and tech sites lately. These infographics are typically nothing more than data points (sometimes just narrative) strewn about with mathematically suspect charts or somewhat-related design elements. But they seem to draw…


Tags: Apple, Google, infographic, Microsoft, patents

Testing IE Versions via IE Compatibility Modes

This past week I have encountered people asking about testing for Internet Explorer browser versions in real life, on Twitter, via email, and spray-painted under a bridge (along with the phrase I don’t want the world, I just want your half). I have seen response after response directing web developers…


Tags: browser, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, rant

Microsoft Promoting the Death of IE6

That map above shows, as of February 28, 2011, the level of Internet Explorer 6 usage around the world. What’s interesting is that this map was produced by Microsoft. This map is also (stolen by me) from a Microsoft site that is trying to move people off Internet Explorer 6,…


Tags: browser, Internet Explorer, Microsoft

WebM, H.264 Debate Still Going

On February 2, Microsoft released a plug-in for Chrome on Windows 7 to allow users to play H.264 video directly in Chrome. In addition, Microsoft has said that it will support WebM (VP8) when a user has the codec installed. And so began the fragmentation of the HTML video model,…


Tags: browser, Google, html, Microsoft, patents, standards, video, YouTube