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Adrian Roselli
Pre-trained Generative System BYOB

All Posts Tagged: usability

UX Singapore Slides: Selfish Accessibility

Photo of me speaking, fighting the sun, provided by Camilla Choo. Original photo on Twitter. In a departure from the other times I have given this talk, I gutted all the slides with code samples as well as the slides on testing (although I did keep them handy and use…


Tags: accessibility, design, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

Speaking for National Association of Government Web Professionals

Much as I would like to say that I will be speaking at the National Association of Government Web Professionals (NAGW, I don’t know where the “P” went, perhaps it was originally “Webmasters?”) conference in September, I won’t be. I was, however, asked to do a separate webinar for members…


Tags: mobile, speaking, standards, touch, usability

Printing from Mobile Has Improved

With more and more people relying on a mobile device as their primary computing platform, it stands to reason that more and more mobile users may want to print web page content — whether directly to a printer or as a PDF for later use (or display as in the…


Tags: mobile, print, standards, usability, UX

Keep the Focus Outline

This animated GIF is a screen capture of cycling through every interactive element (mostly links) on the page using just the tab key. You’ll note that in all but one case, the only indication of any change is in the lower left in the browser’s status bar where it shows…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, law, rant, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

Accessible Bootstrap Frameworks

This post originally appeared on the Algonquin Studios blog. If you work much with accessibility, then you might consider the title of this post to be an oxymoron, a self-contradicting mess. Frankly, I tend to agree. Barring a compelling use case, I never start a project with Bootstrap and I…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, JavaScript, mobile, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

So You Think You’ve Built a Good Infinite Scroll

So you’re saying there’s a chance … that I’ll make it to the footer. TL;DR (added 12 December 2020): Can the user hit “back” and return to the exact same place? Is there paging for when the JavaScript breaks? Does the page have a footer? Can a keyboard user access…


Tags: accessibility, JavaScript, rant, usability, UX

HTML5 Developer Conference Slides: Selfish Accessibility

Today I had the pleasure of speaking at the HTML5 Developer Conference in lovely San Francisco. I presented on accessibility and how it relates to you as a current and future user with my presentation Selfish Accessibility. The full abstract: We can all pretend that we’re helping others by making…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG

On Hiding URLs in the Browser

This image is stolen directly from Allen Pike’s post because I don’t have time yet to make a proper one. It shows the same page URL as seen in the address bars of Firefox 29 and Chrome Canary 36.0.1951. Two days ago news broke that Chrome was going to modify…


Tags: browser, Chrome, rant, usability, UX

Make Getty Embeds Responsive

In my post What to Consider before Using Free Getty Images one of the many caveats I outlined was the lack of responsive support in Getty’s iframe code. Of all the issues I raised, this one is actually pretty easy to get around. Background While the other points still preclude…


Tags: css, html, JavaScript, mobile, pattern, usability, UX

I Don’t Care What Google Did, Just Keep Underlining Links

Screen shots of Google search results showing protanopia (middle) and deuteranopia (right) forms of color-blindness. Click/tap/select the image for a full-size view. I figured I’d lead with my argument right in the title. Even if you read no further, you know where I stand. I’m just going to fill up…


Tags: accessibility, css, Google, html, rant, usability, UX

On Screen Reader Detection

Background The latest WebAIM screen reader survey results came out last week, and I had been looking forward to the results of the questions related to screen reader detection. I can say I was a bit surprised by both. To make it easy, I’ll reprint the questions and answers here.…


Tags: accessibility, browser, standards, usability, UX

Network Solutions Is Most Likely Not Phishing

You may have read my rant earlier this week about Network Solutions trying to trick me into allowing them to send me spam. As part of that dark pattern, Network Solutions asks me to verify my contact information, and then tries to up-sell me, and then suggests that I need…


Tags: design, NetSol, rant, usability, UX