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Adrian Roselli
Integrated Virtualization Model VRML

All Posts Tagged: SEO

Web Design Myths

Net Magazine asked followers on Twitter to submit any web design myths they wanted busted: Got a web design myth you want busted? Let us know and we'll print the best tweets in the mag!— net magazine (@netmag) September 16, 2015 I took this to mean web development, not just…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, design, html, mobile, print, rant, SEO, standards, usability, UX

Google Finally Has Code for App Banners, Will Now Penalize Interstitials

I didn’t want pizza anyway. Plenty of sites have covered the news from Google that many users have wanted to hear for some time now — that those giant overlays on sites that prompt you to download an app will now result in a search ranking penalty. Many of the…


Tags: apps, Google, mobile, search, SEM, SEO, usability, UX

On the Mis-Named Mobilegeddon

If you are a web pro then it is likely that you heard that Google’s search results were going to change based on how mobile-friendly a site is (you probably heard a couple months ago even). This change took effect yesterday. As with almost all things in the tech world…


Tags: Bing, Google, mobile, SEO, UX

Google Needs to Provide Android App Interstitial Alternative

Yesterday Matt Cutts from Google tweeted that Google search results for users on smartphones may be adjusted based on the kinds of errors a web site produces (of course I was excited): Important: if your website has smartphone errors, we may change rankings for smartphone users: #smx— Matt Cutts…


Tags: apps, Google, html, mobile, rant, SEM, SEO, standards, usability

Social Media Profile versus a Web Site

This image gleefully stolen from The Page That No One Will Ever See. Now it may be a seen page. Yesterday an eye-catching headline popped up in my Twitter feed: 6 Reasons Facebook and Twitter Are More Important Than a Website (which is a different message than the author’s “infographic”…


Tags: Facebook, rant, SEM, SEO, social media, standards, Twitter, usability

Confusion in Recent Google Updates

Google pushed out some updates recently which have had SEO experts and spammers, as well as the average web developer or content author, a bit confused. It seems that some sites have been losing traffic and attributing the change to the wrong update. It also seems that some of this…


Tags: Google, SEO

SEO Isn’t Just Google

This past weekend I had the pleasure of participating in Buffalo’s first WordCamp for WordPress users. Before my presentation I made it a point to sit in on the other sessions that were in the same track as mine. When discussing SEO, all the sessions I saw mentioned only Google.…


Tags: analytics, Bing, Google, rant, search, SEM, SEO, Yahoo

We Really Still Have to Debunk Bad SEO?

I’ve been doing this web thing from the start (sort of — I did not have a NeXT machine and a guy named Tim in my living room) and I’ve watched how people have clamored to have their web sites discovered on the web. As the web grew and search…


Tags: Bing, clients, Google, rant, search, SEM, SEO, Yahoo

Thoughts on Muse (Obvious Pun Avoided)

I downloaded and installed Adobe’s new web design tool, Muse (code name) (also at Adobe Labs) out of morbid curiosity. Just like Adobe Edge (which refuses to launch), I had very little expectation that this would be a fully-developed sales-ready product. Instead of getting into extensive detail about the quality…


Tags: accessibility, Adobe, css, design, html, JavaScript, SEM, SEO, standards

Social Scoring As the New SEO

Lately I have noticed that Klout is getting a lot of traction in discussions about social media. It may be that there is just more coverage, or the name has started to penetrate to more users, or the idea of social scoring is becoming more interesting to marketers. It’s also…


Tags: Klout, SEO, social media

Recent(ish) News on Google, Bing, SEO/SEM

I have written many times here about SEO/SEM and how so much of it is sold to organizations by scam artists (though I recoil at the thought of calling them “artists”). Too often it includes demonstrably false claims, like how meta keywords and descriptions will help your site and that…


Tags: analytics, Bing, Facebook, Google, search, SEM, SEO, social media, Twitter

Negative Reviews Can Now Affect Site Rank Downward

One of the ongoing truths about search engine optimization (SEO) has been that inbound links are usually a good thing. This has caused SEO scammers to abuse the practice by creating and using “link farms,” sites that exist solely to link back to client sites. This “spamdexing” technique is based…


Tags: accessibility, Google, search, SEM, SEO, usability, UX