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Adrian Roselli
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All Posts Tagged: mobile

Web Design Myths

Net Magazine asked followers on Twitter to submit any web design myths they wanted busted: Got a web design myth you want busted? Let us know and we'll print the best tweets in the mag!— net magazine (@netmag) September 16, 2015 I took this to mean web development, not just…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, design, html, mobile, print, rant, SEO, standards, usability, UX

Google Finally Has Code for App Banners, Will Now Penalize Interstitials

I didn’t want pizza anyway. Plenty of sites have covered the news from Google that many users have wanted to hear for some time now — that those giant overlays on sites that prompt you to download an app will now result in a search ranking penalty. Many of the…


Tags: apps, Google, mobile, search, SEM, SEO, usability, UX

CSS and System Fonts

This weekend I read a post about techniques to get Apple’s new San Francisco font into your CSS. Since San Francisco is only just being added to iOS and OS X, it can be a bit tricky to get hold of it in Safari. What struck me was the use…


Tags: Apple, browser, css, fonts, mobile, Safari, standards, usability, UX, WHCM

Obligatory Redesign Post

Screen shots showing four of the states of the menu of which I am so proud but which has questionable usability, as opposed to the h1 style, which is unquestionably unusable. Note that one of those screen shots is really a view of the printed page, where the menu is…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, html, mobile, standards, touch, usability, WHCM

On the Mis-Named Mobilegeddon

If you are a web pro then it is likely that you heard that Google’s search results were going to change based on how mobile-friendly a site is (you probably heard a couple months ago even). This change took effect yesterday. As with almost all things in the tech world…


Tags: Bing, Google, mobile, SEO, UX

Announcing My Ring Warmer App

Animation showing the Ring Warmer in action. If you have to wear a ring, then perhaps you have experienced the discomfort of putting a cold ring on your finger (maybe in the morning in a cold house). I decided that I could do something about that using the only tool…


Tags: apps, css, html, JavaScript, mobile, pattern, touch

Web Development Advent Calendars for 2014

For a few years now web developers around the world have celebrated Saturnalia Christmas with advent calendars covering topics related to the web. Some come and go, but you’ll probably recognize a few regulars on this list. I may have missed some, so please pass them along if you know…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, fonts, html, internet, mobile, standards, usability, UX

NAGW Slides: Responsive Web Design Primer

I just finished a webinar for the National Association of Government Web Professionals where I provided an overview of responsive design. I always struggle when I cannot see the audience, but as always my ego carries me through to the end. The slides are embedded here for any and all…


Tags: analytics, css, design, html, mobile, slides, speaking, usability, UX

Speaking for National Association of Government Web Professionals

Much as I would like to say that I will be speaking at the National Association of Government Web Professionals (NAGW, I don’t know where the “P” went, perhaps it was originally “Webmasters?”) conference in September, I won’t be. I was, however, asked to do a separate webinar for members…


Tags: mobile, speaking, standards, touch, usability

Printing from Mobile Has Improved

With more and more people relying on a mobile device as their primary computing platform, it stands to reason that more and more mobile users may want to print web page content — whether directly to a printer or as a PDF for later use (or display as in the…


Tags: mobile, print, standards, usability, UX

Accessible Bootstrap Frameworks

This post originally appeared on the Algonquin Studios blog. If you work much with accessibility, then you might consider the title of this post to be an oxymoron, a self-contradicting mess. Frankly, I tend to agree. Barring a compelling use case, I never start a project with Bootstrap and I…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, JavaScript, mobile, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

Make Getty Embeds Responsive

In my post What to Consider before Using Free Getty Images one of the many caveats I outlined was the lack of responsive support in Getty’s iframe code. Of all the issues I raised, this one is actually pretty easy to get around. Background While the other points still preclude…


Tags: css, html, JavaScript, mobile, pattern, usability, UX