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All Posts Tagged: mobile

Google Maps: Misbehaving with UA Sniffing

Here’s the TL;DR: Google Maps sniffs a browser’s user agent string. If it finds Internet Explorer on Windows Phone, then it kicks it over to the mobile home page. So let’s be clear. It’s 2013 and one of the biggest companies on the internet is using a sniffer to…


Tags: browser, geolocation, Google, internet, Microsoft, mobile, rant, standards, usability, UX

Ignoring Social Media This Thanksgiving

Past Thanksgivings Three years ago I wrote a post describing how I used social media during my 2008 Thanksgiving dinner (mostly to keep my guests pacified in my tiny house while I considered cooking a turkey with a pencil torch). To my family it was novel to watch people across…


Tags: mobile, rant, social media

Reviewing Twitter’s New Profile Header

Today Twitter announced that it has added header images to profiles, similar to what Facebook and Google+ have done. In addition, Twitter has updated its apps for iOS and Android devices to use those header images. Twitter explains why it has added this feature: Starting today you can make your…


Tags: mobile, rant, social media, Twitter, UX

Facebook, HTML5, and Mis-Reporting

My Twitter stream and the headlines of sites across the web yesterday lit up with Facebook’s CEO blaming its stock price (failure to meet hyped expectation) on HTML5 (and its failure to make the Facebook mobile experience suck less). Even ZDNet jumped on that bandwagon with a post titled Facebook’s…


Tags: Facebook, html, mobile, social media, standards, usability, UX, W3C

CSS-only Radial Menu Experiments

I have been working on a slow and plodding redesign of my personal site and am playing around with some navigation ideas. I wanted to create a JavaScript-free and image-free radial menu, an idea I toyed with a couple years ago and abandoned due to the lack of CSS support…


Tags: css, design, html, mobile, pattern, standards, touch, usability, UX

Let’s Treat Old Browser Users Better

It’s not hard to stumble across diatribes against IE6 (and 7 and 8) users across forums peopled by web developers. As a web developer there is no denying that my desire to play with the new and shiny is hampered by my need to support users on older browsers and…


Tags: accessibility, browser, internet, mobile, rant, usability, UX

Failure of Responsive Design is Why Facebook’s IPO Tanked

Stuck for ideas for an article? Did you hear that Facebook’s IPO isn’t netting them enough billions of dollars and so is referred to as a failure? Have you heard about the hot new technique for making generic sites mobile-friendly? Need to get people to click through to your article…


Tags: Facebook, mobile, rant, usability

Responsive Image Chaos

TL;DR: This is just a recap of what’s happening now. If you are up to speed as of today, you can just skip to my brief opinion. Background As I mentioned in my post iPad Retina Display Concerns and Tips, even Apple, with over a year of the Retina Display…


Tags: browser, html, mobile, standards, W3C, whatwg

Now the Mobile Web Is Dead?

It was barely two years ago that I scoffed when Wired declared the web dead (Enough about the Death of the Web). Fast forward to today and BetaNews refines the claim to just the mobile part of the web: The mobile web is dead. I am immediately suspect of an…


Tags: internet, mobile, rant

iPad Retina Display Concerns and Tips

TL;DR The iPad 3 retina display means a lot of apps and web sites are going to feel pressure for sharper (bigger) images. Knowing if you need to scale your images, the impact on end users and some ways to mitigate that impact is the right way to approach this.…


Tags: Apple, apps, css, design, mobile, SVG, UX, W3C

HTML5 and Enterprise on Mobile

An Argument Early last week .net Magazine posted an article Why HTML5 is not the choice for enterprise mobility by David Akka. The article starts off with the statement HTML5 is being hailed as the programming language… That’s as far as I got before I realized this article had a…


Tags: html, mobile, standards

The Return of “Best Viewed in…”

The graphic above (and its lengthy alt) is a parody based on a rather neat utility called the HTML5 Please API. You can drop the code onto your cutting edge demo site and it will indicate to a user what browsers support the features within. The code stays current by…


Tags: browser, Chrome, css, design, html, mobile, rant, standards, usability, UX