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Adrian Roselli
Crypto Algorithm Framework SME

All Posts Tagged: Edge

aria-description Does Not Translate

It does, actually. In Firefox. Sometimes. A major risk of using ARIA to define text content is it typically gets overlooked in translation. Automated translation services often do not capture it. Those who pay for localization services frequently miss content in ARIA attributes when sending text strings to localization vendors.…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, ARIAbuse, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, i18n, L10n, Safari

Keyboard-Only Scrolling Areas

I have spent a few years banging on about ensuring scrolling areas on a page are accessible to keyboard-only users. This is partly because the term “keyboard” maps to other input types that we distill to “keyboard” for ease of reference (speech input, sip-and-puff, on-screen keyboards, scanning software, etc.). When…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Edge, Firefox, Safari, usability, UX

Reference: SRs and Extended Characters

This post serves no purpose other than to demonstrate the fidelity of screen readers when announcing non-emoji Unicode characters when using default settings. There is no judgment on which is correct. This is simply for reference. I grabbed the following tweet and recorded it across common screen readers (WordPress ate…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari

WHCM and System Colors

Outline: Feature Queries Proprietary, or Internet Explorer Only Standards Track, or Edge Only Frankenquery’s Monster System Colors CSS2 System Color Keywords WHCM Proprietary Feature Query Color Mappings CSS4 System Color Keywords Browser Support Internet Explorer Legacy Edge (Ledgacy) Chromium Edge (Chromiedge) Firefox Chrome Examples Backgrounds Inline SVGs SVGs via <img>s…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, Edge, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, WHCM

Source Order Viewer in Edge 86

Update, 15 September 2020: Microsoft put together a more formal announcement at Introducing Source Order Viewer in the Microsoft Edge DevTools. It has some video examples and instructions to enable it. Edge 86 has introduced a feature that shows the source order of a page. You can read more about…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, Edge

Source Order Viewer in Canary

Don’t tell anyone. This may be a secret. But I am really excited, as no person should ever be over something this mundane. Check this out (and then read on for what is happening here): The alt text gives it away, but look in the lower right corner. In the…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, Edge, whatwg

aria-label Does Not Translate

As of my 28 January 2024 update at the end of this post, aria-label auto-translation support is seemingly as spotty as when I first wrote this post. It does, actually. Sometimes. One of the big risks of using ARIA to define text content is that it often gets overlooked in…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, ARIAbuse, Chrome, Edge, i18n, L10n

Group Labels Do Not Guarantee… Uniquity?

Heading this off early: uniquity uniq·​ui·​ty; \ yüˈnikwətē, -wətē, -i \Uniqueness; quality of being unique. There is a place where accessibility practitioners hang out and try to out-do each other with niche knowledge of nuance. While loitering in one, a question came up about text fields that have the same…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, usability, UX

Stepping Back from the Edge

Due to lack of overwhelming request, you can download this logo (SVG). By now it is old news, in Internet time, that Microsoft Edge will replace its rendering engine with Chromium. Nearly six years ago I wrote about Opera dumping Presto to move to Chromium. The landscape is slightly different…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Microsoft, standards, W3C, whatwg

Web Day @ Microsoft Edge

Back in September Microsoft invited me to attend its Edge conference and to also stick around for another day with about a dozen other folks to pick our brains about how Edge is used, and can be improved, in modern web development. I wrote my notes on the public part…


Tags: accessibility, Edge, standards

SVG Filtering for Windows High Contrast Mode

Update 21 January 2021: This post addresses the previous / original engine for Microsoft Edge (Legacy Edge or Ledgacy). Since Edge’s switch to the Chromium rendering engine (becoming Chromiedge), the proprietary feature queries are no longer supported and this technique may no longer work or may need to be amended…


Tags: accessibility, css, Edge, pattern, WHCM

Microsoft Edge Web Summit Recap

I just got back from attending my first (and Microsoft’s third) Microsoft Edge Web Summit, a one-day conference that Microsoft hosted in Seattle to promote its overall web platform work, including the progress it has made with Edge and where Edge is headed. Generally vendor conferences do not interest me.…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Edge, Microsoft, standards