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Adrian Roselli
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All Posts Tagged: browser

Tables as Responsive Image Containers

If you’ve been following the latest chaos in the responsive image debate, you may know that there is a battle afoot between supporters of src-n, srcset and picture. If you don’t believe me, I refer you to this WHATWG post, a polite round-up of today’s bar fight. Key is that…


Tags: browser, css, design, rant, W3C, whatwg

New iPad Browser: Coast by Opera

Yesterday Opera announced the release of its newest browser, Coast, built specifically for iOS tablets (I would say just iPads, but if my fridge gets an iOS tablet UI then I’d be wrong and will have paid too much for a fridge). Background Recently Opera moved away from Presto as…


Tags: Apple, Blink, browser, mobile, Opera, standards, touch, UX

Screen Shots of Win8/IE10 Media Query Values

There is a nifty tool at which gives you a breakdown of how your device reports features you might use for media queries. To use the tool’s own explanation: This test isn’t about what media que­ries your device can or cannot see (but it does show an ‘unsupported’ label…


Tags: browser, css, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, mobile

My Kingdom for Decimal Alignment on Numbers

This post isn’t proposing any solutions (although I do toss out a hack). This post is a rant that I hope helps influence browser makers. Background Much of my web work isn’t for public facing web sites. Often it’s for enterprise-level software that is deployed via the web and used…


Tags: browser, Chrome, css, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, Opera, rant, Safari, standards

Don’t Use Global Browser Stats

When I say “global,” I don’t necessarily mean the whole world, but really any aggregate pile of numbers for browsers that aren’t culled from your own site or project. With IE6 finally fading (which many developers will claim is a result of their IE6-blocking sites), the ire of developers has…


Tags: browser, clients, Internet Explorer, rant

WWW Project Turns 20

Twenty years ago, on April 30 1993, CERN announced the World Wide Web project. While the web existed before then, this was the first time that HTML’s specification was opened up to the general public, allowing anyone to learn how to mark up documents. Eight days and twenty years ago,…


Tags: browser, internet

NCSA Mosaic Turns 20

20 years ago today (yesterday), NCSA Mosaic 1.0 was released (read Marc Andreesson’s announcement on www-talk). Mosaic was the browser that opened the web to the masses, making the web more interesting for people like me. As a college student who used Usenet, FTP sites, struggled with WAIS, Archie and…


Tags: browser, internet

Chrome: Blink and You Missed the News

It’s old news by this Thursday morning, but in case you had not heard, Google is forking WebKit to make its own rendering engine, Blink. Opera will be using the Blink fork of WebKit as its rendering engine. A combination of people who are far smarter, far more well connected,…


Tags: Apple, Blink, browser, Chrome, Google, Opera, Safari, standards, W3C, WebKit

WebKit Will and Won’t Be the New IE

Web developers have been looking to call everything the new Internet Explorer for a while now. With Opera’s recent move to WebKit as its rendering engine (replacing Presto), even more developers are suggesting that WebKit is becoming the new IE. I think they are right, but for the wrong reasons.…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Opera, rant, Safari, standards, WebKit

Opera: Presto! It’s now WebKit

Opera is replacing its Presto rendering engine with WebKit (Chromium, really, when you factor in the V8 JavaScript rendering engine). Big news as of this morning. If you’ve been paying attention, it’s not really that big or news. About a month ago a video was leaked showing Opera using WebKit…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Opera, Safari, standards, WebKit

My Viewport Sizes

Yes, that is my two monitor set-up — one display at 1,920 × 1,080 (with a browser at whatever size will fit my tabs) and one at 1,024 × 1,280 (with a browser always at 1,024 × 1,024). My browser reports two different screen resolutions depending which display the browser…


Tags: analytics, browser

App Store Meta Tags

Why yes, Dominos, I’d love to tap again to get your real home page to order a pizza when I could have done it right here, below your over-sized app pitch that could be done in a tiny ribbon. This may be old news to some of you, but I…


Tags: Apple, apps, browser, html, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, mobile, Safari, UX