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Adrian Roselli
Pre-trained Funded Routine PGP

All Posts Tagged: browser

Where’s the Viewport Size Data?

StatCounter released data on Wednesday showing that the screen resolution of 1,366 x 768 has surpassed 1,024 x 768 as the most common screen resolution. If you’ve paid attention to the drive for widescreen displays on newer machines, this may not come as much of a surprise to you. I…


Tags: browser, design, standards, usability, UX


For many years I’ve pushed for print styles for sites. It’s an easy step to take in the course of developing a site, easy to test, and the techniques to do it have been around for over a decade. Something as rigid as a tabled layout could be relatively easily…


Tags: browser, css, print, rant, standards

W3C CSS Odor Module Released

The web was always a visual medium, but with the addition of sound and video it has locked up two human senses. With development of specifications and techniques around vibration, the internet you “feel” is getting closer, too. That leaves only a couple senses left to cover Ever since the…


Tags: browser, css, internet, standards, W3C

Netscape Navigator 2.01 Celebrates 16th Anniversary

As of March 18, 2011 Netscape Navigator version 2.01 has turned 16 years old. Back when it was released in 1996 it was the bees knees. It introduced JavaScript (originally LiveScript), Java support, plug-ins, an email client, auto-dithering, and Live3D. It also provided support for font color, div, wrap, sup,…


Tags: browser, design, internet, Netscape

The Return of “Best Viewed in…”

The graphic above (and its lengthy alt) is a parody based on a rather neat utility called the HTML5 Please API. You can drop the code onto your cutting edge demo site and it will indicate to a user what browsers support the features within. The code stays current by…


Tags: browser, Chrome, css, design, html, mobile, rant, standards, usability, UX

Ongoing Misunderstanding of Flash and HTML5

The latest article that uses absolutes and broad generalizations to imply an otherwise non-existent struggle between Flash and HTML5 is from UX Booth, “What the Demise of Flash Means for the User Experience.” To be fair to this article, I see regular missives on Flash vs. HTML5 and this particular…


Tags: Adobe, browser, css, Flash, html, JavaScript, mobile, rant, standards, touch, usability, UX, W3C

Browser Makers Caving to Vendor Prefix Misuse

TL;DR: Help stop further erosion of an open web by removing our -webkit- only prefix reliance. Information on how to do this at the bottom. Example of vendor prefixes in CSS for Webkit browsers (Chrome, Safari), Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera, and finally the standard from the CSS spec. Vendor prefixes…


Tags: browser, css, rant, standards, W3C

Don’t Expect Microsoft’s Auto-Update to Kill IE6

Last week Microsoft announced that it is planning to start upgrading users to the latest version of Internet Explorer that their computers can run (IE to Start Automatic Upgrades across Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7). Web developers for the most part were overjoyed with the notion that IE6,…


Tags: accessibility, browser, internet, Internet Explorer, Microsoft

Test in Lynx and Print, It’s Your Job

I have admittedly not taken the time to attend An Event Apart any of the times it’s been held, but I do tend to follow the #aea hashtag on Twitter so I can glean at least a little wisdom from the discomfort of my own desk as I wade through…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, design, Lynx, mobile, print, rant, standards, usability, UX

Everything Will Be the New IE6

There seems to be no shortage of people making a comparison to Internet Explorer version 6, or IE6, as the simplest way to declare that something is an impediment to progress. Sometimes the criticism is levied with the understanding that at one point IE6 was the bees knees (In praise…


Tags: browser, internet, Internet Explorer, Netscape

Thanksgiving, Social Media and Tech Support

Does this Foursquare map of holiday travel look like a turkey to anyone but me? Three years ago I hosted Thanksgiving at my house, tweeting photos of the bird and small brush fire. Two years ago I wrote a post Enjoying Thanksgiving with Social Media and then wrapped my car…


Tags: browser, fonts, food, internet, social media

Perplexing Prefixes

Mostly I wanted a title with a little alliteration (like that sentence). What I am talking about in the title are vendor prefixes for CSS, those little bits of words and dashes that appear in front of what would otherwise be a W3C CSS declaration, but denotes that this one…


Tags: browser, css, standards, W3C