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Adrian Roselli
Leveraged Machine Learning Token sFTP

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Sponsoring Accessibility Toronto Conference (#a11yTO)

I am pleased to be able to sponsor the first Accessibility Toronto Conference (#a11yTOconf). I get to help the nearest accessibility meet-up group to my home in Buffalo, NY (excluding Buffa11y). On top of that I am helping one of the world’s largest (I think it is the second-largest) make…


Tags: accessibility

Microsoft Edge Web Summit Recap

I just got back from attending my first (and Microsoft’s third) Microsoft Edge Web Summit, a one-day conference that Microsoft hosted in Seattle to promote its overall web platform work, including the progress it has made with Edge and where Edge is headed. Generally vendor conferences do not interest me.…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Edge, Microsoft, standards

Fixed: Inaccessible YouTube Embeds

Most of us in the accessibility biz (do we call it that? I think we call it that…) already know that YouTube’s default embed code is problematic. Specifically, the fact that the <iframe> does not have a title attribute is an automatic WCAG 2.0 AA failure. The Existing title Issue…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, standards, usability, UX, YouTube

First Reactions to Gutenberg

A big reveal at WordCamp Europe was Gutenberg, an inline WYSIWYG editor for WordPress. While I had first seen it at WordCamp London, it was not a public project yet. As of WordCamp Europe, it is now in open beta with a plug-in available for testing. I am not involved…


Tags: accessibility, usability, UX, WordPress

Slides from WordCamp Europe

There is a lot going on in this post. Between embedded slides, video, external Twitter scripts, and animated GIFs, this page will kill your data plan. You may want to hit the browser Stop button if you have a data cap. If the embed above is not working (or is…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, WCAG

Under-Engineered Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxen

Note: September 25, 2021 If you do not need to support IE, Legacy Edge, or older versions of Firefox, then I encourage you to ignore this post and instead read Scott O’Hara’s post One last time: custom styling radio buttons and checkboxes. Updated August 17, 2019 I have updated this…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, usability, UX, WHCM

Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2017

This year for Global Accessibility Awareness Day I opted to follow my lead from last year and tweet a series of links to articles I have written. Unlike last year, I am making it into a post so I can share it more easily. Below are fifteen tweets with two…


Tags: accessibility, usability, UX

Fringe Accessibility: Slides from London Web Standards

Last night I was one of two talks on accessibility at London Web Standards. As promised, I have posted my slides. If you cannot see the embed below, visit them directly at SlideShare. Tweets Most of these are for my ego. Hey, Samsung Internet has a new logo! (via a…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WCAG

Selfish Accessibility: Slides from WordCamp London 2017

I promised to share the slides, so here they are. If the embed is a problem you can go the slides directly on SlideShare. Video The video has just been posted (6 June) so I have embedded it with captions. You can also view it at if it does…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, W3C, WCAG

Google Analytics Viewport Tracking

Google Analytics has tracked browser viewport sizes for almost four years, but I found it was imprecise. After doing some recent testing I have decided it works well and have started to dump my own tracking as a result. This post shares some of the history and comparison information. History…


Tags: analytics, browser, JavaScript

Not All Screen Reader Users Are Blind

The title says it all. But if you came to this page, you probably clicked because you were hoping for a little more detail than that assertion. So here is a little more detail. The Data In the 2015 WebAIM Screen Reader User Survey, when asked Which of the following…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, html, standards, usability, UX

Speaking at WordCamp London

This March (next month!) I will be flying over to London to speak at WordCamp London over 17 to 19 March. The description in its own words: WordCamp London is a community organised WordPress event running for the fourth year since 2013. It’s aimed at anybody who uses, builds or…


Tags: accessibility, speaking, standards, usability, WCAG