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Adrian Roselli
Containerized Distrbuted Ledger Token CLI

Search Results: what

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What You Can Do as a Web Builder on Earth Day

One easy thing you can do for the earth is not use “AI” tools. Consider this as a programmer, web developer, web designer, copywriter, webmaster, etc. The tools include anything branded as generative AI, LLMs, computer vision tools, Copilot, ChatGPT, Bard, Grok, Dall-e, Midjourney, and so on. If you are…


Tags: rant

What Does X% of Issues Mean?

I ran a highly scientific and well-scoped Twitter poll (yes, sarcasm) to ask a question that has been in the back of my head for some time: When you see a claim that an automated accessibility testing tool finds X% of issues, what do you believe the word ‘issues’ means…


Tags: accessibility, rant, standards

What Matters Podcast

The open source collaboration platform Mattermost invited me to be a guest on its What Matters podcast for the episode What Matters – Episode 28 – Accessing Accessibility with Adrian Roselli. You can probably guess the topic. I am particularly pleased with this announcement from Mattermost that came with the…


Tags: accessibility, speaking

What’s New in WCAG 2.2

WCAG 2.2 is live. Read the W3C’s What’s New in WCAG 2.2 to know what from this wildly outdated post made it into the final spec. The latest (and probably last) WCAG version 2 point release is in draft and the W3C is asking for comments and feedback by 18…


Tags: accessibility, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

I Don’t Care What Google or Apple or Whoever Did

Please do not use this post as an excuse to beat up the devs at Apple or Google. If you are doing that, you have missed the point of this post and you are being unnecessarily mean to individuals who may have no control over broader organizational decisions. Do not…


Tags: Apple, Google, usability, UX

What’s New in WCAG 2.1

I field questions pretty regularly about what is coming in WCAG 2.1. I have offered links to the spec, pointers to W3C mailing list email, references to other posts (most recently David MacDonald’s post that looks at the same version as this post), but have avoided gathering them in one…


Tags: accessibility, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

I Don’t Care What Google Did, Just Keep Underlining Links

Screen shots of Google search results showing protanopia (middle) and deuteranopia (right) forms of color-blindness. Click/tap/select the image for a full-size view. I figured I’d lead with my argument right in the title. Even if you read no further, you know where I stand. I’m just going to fill up…


Tags: accessibility, css, Google, html, rant, usability, UX

What to Consider before Using Free Getty Images

There was quite a lot of chatter this week over Getty’s move to make its image library (ok, only 40 million of its images) free for non-commercial use on the web. Some might think they can now just start taking images from the Getty site, but not quite. Getty requires…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, html, UX

WHATWG as W3C Community Group in Name Only

As of Monday, April 23, The W3C has announced that it is looking for a new editor for the HTML Working Group specifically tasked with shepherding HTML5 through the process until it reaches a formal recommendation. Ian Hickson (Hixie) made the request for a call for his replacement so he…


Tags: html, patents, standards, W3C, whatwg

W3C and WHATWG Provide HTML5 Updates

W3C The W3C is pretty good about posting news when new HTML/CSS-related documents undergo updates, status changes, or generally move forward. On Friday the W3C HTML Working Group announced the publication of eight new documents. The brief release provides an even briefer overview of each, or you can see the…


Tags: accessibility, html, standards, video, W3C, whatwg, xhtml

You Get What You Pay For

First off, let me apologize for ending the title of this post with a preposition. I am playing off an idiom, so I think I have some leeway. Besides, “You get that for which you pay” just doesn’t roll off the tongue. In the last week I have watched two…


Tags: Brightkite, Facebook, Foursquare, Google, Gowalla, internet, Microsoft, rant, SCVNGR, social media, Twitter, Yahoo, YouTube

Google Dashboard: What Google Knows about You

Google announced a new service/feature today, Google Dashboard. Given all the services Google offers and all the ways you can interact with Google, it’s not surprising many people have privacy concerns and conspiracy theories (do enough people watch The Simpson’s for me to make an MLB joke here?). Google announced…


Tags: Google, privacy