Everything I know about accessibility I learned from stack overflow. With such a title, how could I skip this session? #AccessConf2018
Stack overflow is not the place to have a scoping discussion with other developers. Though it may be worth writing that the objective of the question may not be correct #AccessConf2018
Or how about aria-hidden="true" instead of writing out alt tags? Wow… #AccessConf2018
What ARIA should I use for VoiceOver to read this: <img src="blip.gif" alt="">? How about using the alt tag? #AccessConf2018
Actual answer to have an image less img tag with alt set to provide useful info. Up voted, but not accepted. (don't do this) #AccessConf2018
Using !important to overrule user sheets adding back underlines to links is just wrong. Yet it was the accepted answer… #AccessConf2018
"Have you tried jQuery?" as a common answer to questions. Silver bulleting with the best of them! (also wrong) #AccessConf2018
"How do I check if a user has a disability or is using a screen reader, you know, to justify making a design accessible?" Needing stats may be justified, but why not just make it accessible? #AccessConf2018
How do I override how JAWS navigate tables with my own better keystrokes? What am I… How do I even… Stack Overflow on accessibility is basically stand up comedy so far! #AccessConf2018
Where are the devs? Not in our Slack channels, not at #a11y conferences, not reading our specs, not reading our blogs. #AccessConf2018
Thanks @aardrian for a mix of stand-up comedy and education on web accessibility and the danger of the wisdom of (not quite informed) crowds! #AccessConf2018
Interesting tidbits in the results from the Survey of Web Accessibility Practitioners #2: webaim.org/projects/prac
“[W]omen in the web accessibility field in our sample (39.5%) is over 5.5 times that reported in [Stack Overflow survey]” pic.twitter.com/0mxFwCsLhm
“[Stack Overflow] only 6.9% of respondents over age 45, compared to 35% of web accessibility practitioners aged over 45.” pic.twitter.com/JWdzUGabTR
“72.5% of [Stack Overflow] respondents [had] at least a college degree, 84.1% of web accessibility practitioners […] had college degrees. pic.twitter.com/ygV76KwZ5U
90.5% of respondents say they have learned about accessibility from: “Online resources – StackOverflow, WebAIM•org, etc.” pic.twitter.com/RGLR92HlHl
I highlighted those that mention Stack Overflow.
I spend time on SO. It is not the place for developers who care about accessibility.
This is timely given my #AccessConf2018 talk yesterday, “Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack Overflow” rosel.li/guelph
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