Øredev 2023: Under-Engineered Patterns
Download a 2.6MB tagged PDF of my slides or try the embedded view if your browser displays PDF inline.
I was invited Malmö, Sweden to present two talks at Øredev. Well, they asked me to do one but then suggested that hey, since I’m already there and stuff, how about another.
Most of the text in the slides is set in Atkinson Hyperlegible, but the headings use Rubik Glitch to match the Øredev site. The slide backgrounds are also lifted from the Øredev site. For, um, consistency. Not at all because I’m lazy.
I use an iframe to embed the slides, but only after the user clicks to do so. Some users have their browser configured to download the slides, so this approach prevents them being pushed a 5MB file just from opening the page. If this is broken or problematic for you, then you should track me down at Øredev and let me know. Maybe not during my talk, though.
I do not make the PowerPoint file available because my slides have been taken and used by others before, and I believe they should have to exert at least some modicum of effort to steal from me.
This post holds the slides during my talk and the videos I didn’t embed in the PDF. Along with links, of course.
- Under-Engineered Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxen
- Under-Engineered Toggles
- Under-Engineered Toggles Too
- Under-Engineered Text Boxen
- Under-Engineered Responsive Tables
- Under-Engineered Select Menus
- Under-Engineered Dependency Questions
- Under-Engineered Multi-Selects
- Keyboard-Only Scrolling Areas
- Keyboard Visualizer bookmarklet by Sarah Higley
- CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible
Videos I used in my talk which are not represented in the PDF.
Slide 27
(it mimics Android’s back soft-button). The same gesture on the custom control makes your browser go to the previous page.Slide 28
. The same gesture on the custom control makes your browser go to the previous page.Slide 69
Slide 79
Slide 81
Slide 82
Slide 83
Update: Video of My Talk
As of 22 January 2024, the video of my session has been posted to the Øredev 2023 playlist. My other session was recorded, but due to an issue with the audio will not be posted.
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