Slides from role=drinks at CSUN
Note: Below are the animated images and video that were in my slides but which did not survive in the transition to SlideShare. They are all quite large and will take time to load. If you want to save on your data plan, hit the browser’s stop button now.
If you attended the event after a day of CSUN talks, then you already know role=drinks was a blast. If you did not attend, I assure you that Job did a great job organizing such a great time, all the way from across the ocean. There was great food, a large selection of drinks, and plenty of people who came to enjoy both.
There was also the opportunity to hear people speak about accessibility. Job did a great job creating that opportunity, but a combination of terrible acoustics, sub-par PA, and brains full from a full day of sessions meant that not everyone cared. That was completely cool; everyone needed to just be social and Job adapted accordingly.
But not until after I got up and tried to spend 10 minutes talking about the lang
attribute. After shouting my talk into the din, proving that my (lack of) public speaking skills are no match for beer and friendly conversation, I consoled myself with some very tasty tacos. Here are the slides I promised for all five of you who could hear me:
If you cannot see the embed, view the slides directly at SlideShare.
To try to prove that people had a good time and therefore ignored me for good reason, I have embedded some slides.
We have food at #roledrinks. Come down. #CSUNATC17
— Steve Buell (@SteveBuell) March 2, 2017
The architecture here at #roledrinks at the Mission Brewery begs to be photographed. #CSUNATC17
— Steve Buell (@SteveBuell) March 2, 2017
Catering for #roledrinks by Kitchens for Good "Where food changes lives."
— Steve Buell (@SteveBuell) March 2, 2017
My favorite thing at #csunatc17 is #roledrinks by far. @ Downtown San Diego
— Cory Klatik (@cklatik) March 2, 2017
Eric's lighting talk at #roledrinks @ Mission Brewery
— Sandra Kallmeyer (@ScreenOrigami) March 2, 2017
Amazing evening at Mission Brewery for @roledrinks
— Sarbbottam (@sarbbottam) March 2, 2017
Met some cool folks and tried some tasty brews at #roledrinks thx @SSBBARTGroup 🍻great way to unwind #CSUNATC17
— AccessibilityPartner (@Access_Partners) March 2, 2017
Role= drinks. A great time. Thanks! @roledrinks #CSUNATC17
— Dennis Deacon (@deconspray) March 2, 2017
@VandLShow declared this the largest turnout of any CSUN event ever
— Karl Groves 🇺🇸 (@karlgroves) March 2, 2017
The @roledrinks meet up with s couple of jokers doing the "keynote" #CSUNATC17
— SteveALee (@SteveALee) March 2, 2017
Met a load of people who I follow on Twitter at #roledrinks and half of Canada. Fun times. #CSUNATC17
— Dean Birkett (@deanbirkett) March 2, 2017
At the brewery we went to after a day of #csun17: "uncle touchy's candy basement" sign on door
— mallory, alice & bob (@stommepoes) March 2, 2017
Had a great time at @roledrinks last night. Congrats and thanks to @detonite for putting on an awesome event!
— Billy Gregory (@thebillygregory) March 2, 2017
Great turnout for @roledrinks last night, though I think I ate my sponsorship in tacos. #CSUNATC17
— Adrian Roselli 🗯 (@aardrian) March 2, 2017
And thank you for sponsoring!
— role=drinks (@roledrinks) March 2, 2017
Disclosure: I Sponsored
I was a sponsor (originally the sponsor). This did not guarantee me a spot to shout into the aforementioned din, I earned that just by asking.
Wednesday at #CSUNATC17, head to @roledrinks & have a drink on me. I am (Adrian Roselli LLC is, tax man) sponsoring.
— Adrian Roselli 🗯 (@aardrian) February 26, 2017

Animated Images and Video
These are the animated images and video clips that were in my slides but which did not survive in the transition to SlideShare. They are all quite large and will take time to load. If you want to save on your data plan, hit the browser’s stop button now.

attribute. View it on CodePen.
attribute. View it on CodePen.
attribute. View it on CodePen.lang
attribute changes. View it on Codepen.lang
attribute changes. View it on Codepen.
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