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Adrian Roselli
Outsourced Virtualization Process sFTP

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A Response to Thoughts on HTML5

This is a response to Thoughts on HTML5 by Janus Boye over on Medium. You can read this response on Medium as well. At the time of this writing, there is one response to my comment. I am re-creating it here because I feel strongly that relying on a third-party…


Tags: accessibility, html, standards, W3C, WCAG

Stop Throwing Away Your Content

It is not uncommon for individuals and even entire organizations to rely on some third party platform to host all their thought-leadering. Medium is the common choice, but many use other platforms as well, such as LinkedIn. While many argue that the reach is better and it is easier than…


Tags: internet, rant, usability

We Reward the Wrong Things

As an industry, in general we praise sites that look good, maybe with nifty animations, cool hover effects, and the mythical 60fps golden standard. That is all nonsense. Ego-stroking pointless fluff. Usually lipstick on the proverbial pig. Today I saw a well-known name in the industry, a brand name if…


Tags: accessibility, rant, usability, UX

On Link Underlines

TL;DR: In general, I recommend underlining links in body content. In the absence of a better style appropriate for a specific site, this is the way to go. Overview It is amazing to me how this suggestion causes so much angst and fighting. Designers often argue that they look ugly,…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, standards, usability, UX, WCAG

Speaking at Abstractions

From August 18 through 20 I will be in Pittsburgh, PA to attend and speak at the inaugural Abstractions conference. As described on the site: Abstractions is a new conference that brings together everyone involved in modern software development — designers, developers, DevOps, and community leaders — to teach, learn,…


Tags: accessibility, html, speaking, standards, usability, WCAG

Punch-Out Avatar

I built this on a whim after seeing some terrible examples on Stack Overflow, so unlike other demos I build there was no immediate application. That means it may or may not be useful as-is. Variation For this post I have forked each variation of the original and added a…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, print, standards, WHCM

Slides for Guelph Accessibility Conference

After a two-plus hour drive to Guelph on Memorial Day (in the U.S., not Canada), I attended a full day of talks and hallway conversations at the Guelph Accessibility Conference. I also had the pleasure of presenting in the last slot of the day in the main auditorium. Feedback was…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, WCAG

Chromatic Web Fonts, Redux

In 2012 I wrote about how to use chromatic type with pseudo-elements. My objective back then was to minimize the hassle of a content author using a WYSIWYG while also not overwhelming a screen reader user with triplicate content. Pseudo-elements achieved that, though support for pseduo-elements in screen readers is…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, fonts, html, pattern

My Slides for Inclusive Design 24 for Global Accessibility Awareness Day

This morning I had the pleasure of presenting at the free online Inclusive Design 24 hour webinar by The Paciello Group as part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day. As promised, my slides are embedded here for you, or you can go directly to SlideShare to see them. Correction: I cited…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, slides, speaking, usability, UX, WCAG

My Slides for Create Upstate 2016

The slides are embedded here for all to enjoy (or you can view the slides at SlideShare), whether or not you attended my workshop. Note that you can probably ignore the slides about exercises as I am not going to come around and review them with you.


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, slides, speaking, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

Speaking at Inclusive Design 24 for Global Accessibility Awareness Day

The headline really captures it all. The Paciello Group will be holding a full day of free webinars on Global Accessibility Awareness Day. That’s 24 straight hours of talks, starting at midnight (GMT) on Wednesday, May 19 through 11:59pm (still GMT) that same night. I’ll be giving my talk Fringe…


Tags: accessibility, speaking, standards

Slides from WordCamp Buffalo 2016

Quick warning: I am loading the animations from the slides at the end of this post. Press your browser’s Stop button now if you are on a data cap. Or just view it on SlideShare. This came in after I finished and submitted my slides, so I am linking it…


Tags: accessibility, slides, speaking