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Adrian Roselli
Outsourced Funded Tool-Set IPA

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Slides from WordCamp Buffalo 2016

Quick warning: I am loading the animations from the slides at the end of this post. Press your browser’s Stop button now if you are on a data cap. Or just view it on SlideShare. This came in after I finished and submitted my slides, so I am linking it…


Tags: accessibility, slides, speaking

Speaking at Guelph Accessibility Conference 2016

This May I will be speaking at the Guelph Accessibility Conference. It will be held Monday and Tuesday, May 30 and 31, 2016 on the University of Guelph campus. The theme of this year’s event is In Letter and Spirit: Realizing the Vision of the AODA. There is also a…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, design, speaking, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

Speaking at WordCamp Buffalo 2016

On Saturday, April 30 I have the pleasure of once again speaking at WordCamp Buffalo. It’s one of the few conferences for which I don’t need to drive very far, take any flights, nor cross any international borders. That’s not the only selling point, of course. It’s always a day…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, speaking, standards, WAI, WCAG

Not Really an April Fools’ Prank

I added something to my site for April Fools’ Day, and it didn’t go quite so well (as opposed to my 2012 effort, which just went nowhere). In reality, it’s something I’ve wanted to add to my site for a while, but my gaming night was canceled last night (they…


Tags: accessibility, JavaScript, UX