I think the accessibility community has an opportunity (has had an ongoing opportunity) to get its message across to the broader developer community that it hasn’t realized. A couple recent write-ups make me think we should all be trying harder. Stories Medium Podio Shopify (added June 21, 2016) U.S. Digital…
You could say I am a bit of a fan of the potential of the lowly QR code. Mostly because the idea has merit, even though the implementations are generally terrible. I qualify that statement by limiting it to the United States. Outside of the U.S. they enjoy greater appeal…
Screen shots showing four of the states of the menu of which I am so proud but which has questionable usability, as opposed to the h1 style, which is unquestionably unusable. Note that one of those screen shots is really a view of the printed page, where the menu is…
The Paciello Group is holding a full day of free webinars on Global Accessibility Awareness Day. That’s 24 straight hours of talks, which started at midnight (GMT) on Wednesday, May 20 through through midnight (still GMT) on Thursday, May 21. I was fortunate enough to participate as a speaker and…
The headline really captures it all. The Paciello Group will be holding a full day of free webinars on Global Accessibility Awareness Day. That’s 24 straight hours of talks, starting at midnight (GMT) on Wednesday, May 20 through through midnight (still GMT) on Thursday, May 21. I’ll be giving my…
Animation showing me scrolling an article at the Fortune site. The yellow arrow indicates when the URL changes. At that point leaving the site will not count as a bounce. About a year ago I wrote a post with a checklist of items I feel you would need to satisfy…
If you are a web pro then it is likely that you heard that Google’s search results were going to change based on how mobile-friendly a site is (you probably heard a couple months ago even). This change took effect yesterday. As with almost all things in the tech world…
This weekend I saw a tweet in Marcy Sutton’s timeline that appeared to be an image description generated by a piece of software. Given my recent missives on the inherent inaccessibility of images without descriptions (even if Twitter accidentally gave us more options), coupled with rise in people tweeting images…
Yesterday I presented a stripped-down version of my Selfish Accessibility talk at Buffalo Unconference. With an unknown audience and a 20 minute timeline, I gutted most of the technical bits and focused on my thesis. I think it was well received. At the end of the talk, I pointed people…
Video showing how tweet quoting works. See original tweet from which I swiped the video. Twitter has officially released its new-ish tweet quoting feature. Since at least last June, if a user included the URL of a tweet within a new tweet, it would present viewers with the full body…
Screen shot of a web page as seen in the Twitter app, with a menu showing the option to open in the user’s default web browser. The title of this post may be a bit of hyperbole for some, but it is completely true for me. Sometime over the course…
The slides and video from my talk (a little background). Selfish Accessibility by Adrian Roselli. Insider seminar at Avega Group. pic.twitter.com/EPeTxcACpl— Vera Olsson (@en_surkova) March 19, 2015