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Adrian Roselli
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All Posts Tagged: standards

Selfish Accessibility at CodeDaze

The slides from my talk at CodeDaze follow. If you cannot view the embed, visit them directly at SlideShare. Embedded Videos There were two videos in my talk. They will not play in the SlideShare embed, so I stuffed them below. Slide 56 The video demonstrates how a screen reader…


Tags: accessibility, slides, standards, usability, UX

Variable Fonts and Dyslexia

Dyslexia is not a black or white, on or off condition. Some with dyslexia report different challenges than others, ranging from typefaces to page layout to other factors. A few years ago I wrote Typefaces for Dyslexia, where I gathered some research suggesting that dedicated typefaces, on the whole, do…


Tags: accessibility, browser, fonts, standards, usability, UX

Demand Refunds for Invalid HTML in Courses

It is easier than ever to follow web standards and be confident that, for the most part, modern browsers will render it the same. Accessibility standards are enshrined in law the world over, making standards-based semantic and structural mark-up the safest and easiest path. If you do HTML correctly then…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, rant, standards

Prototyping Accessibility — WordCamp Europe 2018

WordCamp Europe has wrapped up in Belgrade. I presented a (not quite) three hour workshop on accessibility, specifically designed to be computer-free. I may have re-used a few slides from my presentation at last year’s WordCamp, but overall this is new material with some WCAG 2.1 references thrown in for…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, slides, standards, WAI, WCAG

Slides from 2018 Guelph Accessibility Conference

If the embed below does not work, view the slides directly at SlideShare. I also collected tweets all about me… Kicking off day two of the Guelph Accessibility Conference. #AccessConf2018 Adrian Roselli (@aardrian) May 30, 2018 Everything I know about accessibility I learned from stack overflow. With such a…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, slides, standards

Web Day @ Microsoft Edge

Back in September Microsoft invited me to attend its Edge conference and to also stick around for another day with about a dozen other folks to pick our brains about how Edge is used, and can be improved, in modern web development. I wrote my notes on the public part…


Tags: accessibility, Edge, standards

Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2018

This year for Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) I opted to follow my lead from last year and tweet a series of links to articles I have written. This time I limited it to articles I have written since the last GAAD. Just like last year, I am making it…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, standards, usability, UX

Functions to Add ARIA to Tables and Lists

Related Other posts in this accidental series: Layout as a Clue to Semantics Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset Tables, JSON, CSS, ARIA, RWD, TLAs… Tables, CSS Display Properties, and ARIA A Responsive Accessible Table Hey, It’s Still OK to Use Tables When I presented my talk CSS Display…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, pattern, standards, tables

Layout as a Clue to Semantics

Related Other posts in this accidental series: Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset Tables, JSON, CSS, ARIA, RWD, TLAs… Tables, CSS Display Properties, and ARIA A Responsive Accessible Table Hey, It’s Still OK to Use Tables I did not mean to write a series on tables. It’s not a…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, standards, tables

WordCamp Buffalo: CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics

I got to roll out a brand new talk today, and WordCamp Buffalo attendees were kind enough to patiently sit through it. As promised I have posted the slides and embedded them below. If the embed is a problem, you can view them at SlideShare. Videos I embedded the videos…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, slides, standards

Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset

CSS resets are a collection of CSS styles that undo the default browser styling of many or most HTML elements. Recently I have seen cases of developers using display: contents on lists and headings to remove the margins and padding, and generally to visually do what a CSS reset might…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, Firefox, Safari, standards, tables

Slides: Mind Your Lang at London Web Standards

Tonight I had the pleasure of returning to London Web Standards to speak (I was there last April). I presented a deep dive into the lang attribute, a topic for which developers have been begging for a deep dive. Or not. Anyway, the slides as promised (or view the slides…


Tags: accessibility, html, slides, speaking, standards