Photo of me speaking, fighting the sun, provided by Camilla Choo. Original photo on Twitter. In a departure from the other times I have given this talk, I gutted all the slides with code samples as well as the slides on testing (although I did keep them handy and use…
The Buffalo WordCamp shirt was again printed by You and Who (whose logo is visible where the tag would be), which means that 1,600 meals were donated (one for each shirt) to those in need. I think every WordCamp should do this. (related tweet) Buffalo WordCamp has just wrapped up…
Much as I would like to say that I will be speaking at the National Association of Government Web Professionals (NAGW, I don’t know where the “P” went, perhaps it was originally “Webmasters?”) conference in September, I won’t be. I was, however, asked to do a separate webinar for members…
By far the farthest-from-home of my speaking engagements to date, I’m thrilled to be speaking at UXSG (User Experience Singapore). Having attended its sister event, UX Hong Kong (UXHK), last year I can say that I am excited not just to speak but to hear from all the other great…
I am excited to say that I will be speaking at Accessibility Camp Toronto in late September. It probably goes without saying that I’ll be speaking on accessibility. Given Toronto’s proximity to my home town of Buffalo, and the fact that I used to wander up to Toronto about once…
On Saturday, September 13, I will have the pleasure of speaking at WordCamp Buffalo for its (and my) third year. Based on the speaker line-up there will be plenty of great topics, so I look forward to being an attendee as well. If you are new to WordCamp Buffalo, a…
This afternoon I awkwardly stumbled through my talk for CSS Summit, Making Your Site Printable. I can tell you that speaking to a screen instead of to a room full of people is a whole different experience than I was expecting. Fortunately for you I do not have an audio/video…
In just under two weeks the 6th annual online, live CSS and SASS conference, CSS Summit, will be underway and I have been asked to speak on print styles. You don’t have to deal with airports, hotels, taxis, or strangers. Heck, you don’t even need to leave your desk. The…
With more and more people relying on a mobile device as their primary computing platform, it stands to reason that more and more mobile users may want to print web page content — whether directly to a printer or as a PDF for later use (or display as in the…
This animated GIF is a screen capture of cycling through every interactive element (mostly links) on the page using just the tab key. You’ll note that in all but one case, the only indication of any change is in the lower left in the browser’s status bar where it shows…
On Friday, Mother Jones reported that it has three sources saying that Verizon lobbyists are making a case on Capitol Hill that net neutrality harms those with disabilities. From Mother Jones: Three Hill sources tell Mother Jones that Verizon lobbyists have cited the needs of blind, deaf, and disabled people…
This post originally appeared on the Algonquin Studios blog. If you work much with accessibility, then you might consider the title of this post to be an oxymoron, a self-contradicting mess. Frankly, I tend to agree. Barring a compelling use case, I never start a project with Bootstrap and I…