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Adrian Roselli
Computer Vision Distrbuted Ledger Platform CPACC

All Posts Tagged: internet

Slides: Inclusive Usability Testing — a11yTOCamp

I have uploaded my slides from a11yTOCamp to SlideShare. If the embed below does not work, visit them directly. There were a lot of great talks yesterday, though I only tweeted from a couple of them (and skipped one altogether). Watching


Tags: accessibility, internet, slides, usability, UX

Stop Throwing Away Your Content

It is not uncommon for individuals and even entire organizations to rely on some third party platform to host all their thought-leadering. Medium is the common choice, but many use other platforms as well, such as LinkedIn. While many argue that the reach is better and it is easier than…


Tags: internet, rant, usability

Web Development Advent Calendars for 2014

For a few years now web developers around the world have celebrated Saturnalia Christmas with advent calendars covering topics related to the web. Some come and go, but you’ll probably recognize a few regulars on this list. I may have missed some, so please pass them along if you know…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, fonts, html, internet, mobile, standards, usability, UX

Web Turns 25, Seems Popular

The world wide web has officially lasted 25 consecutive years, which means it’s catching up to its parent, the Internet, which itself is bearing down on 45. That’s an important distinction. The Internet is not the web, it is the foundation on which the web was born. In honor of…


Tags: browser, html, internet, W3C

Net Neutrality News

If you’re spitting-mad about the W3C’s perceived position on DRM, we would all be better served if you re-pointed that anger at what is happening to net neutrality. If you aren’t familiar with the net neutrality concept, here’s a snippet from Wikipedia: Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality)…


Tags: internet, law, rant

Web Development Advent Calendars for 2013

Ganesha may or may not be stealing chocolate from the advent calendar. For a few years now web developers around the world have celebrated Saturnalia Christmas with advent calendars covering topics related to the web. Some come and go, but you’ll probably recognize a few regulars on this list. I…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, fonts, html, internet, mobile, standards, usability, UX

Thanksgiving, Technology, and Just Picking a Fight

My logs tell me that nobody took this 2011 plea seriously. I blame the typeface. Last year on Thanksgiving I made the case for ignoring social media for the day. I felt strongly enough that for the new year I even wrote about some social media behavior goals for the…


Tags: internet, social media

On-Demand WayBack URLs

While this may be old news to some of you (just over a week now), I only discovered this weekend that the Internet Archive Wayback Machine can archive a page for you, with its own URL, on demand. Thanks to a tweet from Jennifer Sutton, I came across the post…


Tags: internet, search, speaking

WWW Project Turns 20

Twenty years ago, on April 30 1993, CERN announced the World Wide Web project. While the web existed before then, this was the first time that HTML’s specification was opened up to the general public, allowing anyone to learn how to mark up documents. Eight days and twenty years ago,…


Tags: browser, internet

NCSA Mosaic Turns 20

20 years ago today (yesterday), NCSA Mosaic 1.0 was released (read Marc Andreesson’s announcement on www-talk). Mosaic was the browser that opened the web to the masses, making the web more interesting for people like me. As a college student who used Usenet, FTP sites, struggled with WAIS, Archie and…


Tags: browser, internet

Google Maps: Misbehaving with UA Sniffing

Here’s the TL;DR: Google Maps sniffs a browser’s user agent string. If it finds Internet Explorer on Windows Phone, then it kicks it over to the mobile home page. So let’s be clear. It’s 2013 and one of the biggest companies on the internet is using a sniffer to…


Tags: browser, geolocation, Google, internet, Microsoft, mobile, rant, standards, usability, UX

2012 Advent Calendars for Web Devs

Now that the (Western, my favorite) holiday season is upon us, the tradition of advent calendars whose chocolate is replaced with web-related tips and articles is back. This year’s crop is missing some from last year, but there’s still good stuff to be found. If you know of any others,…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, internet, JavaScript, usability, UX