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Adrian Roselli
Leveraged Adversarial Token MVP

All Posts Tagged: css

IE10, Metro, and Media Queries

The image on the left is IE10 in desktop view, on the right is IE10 in Metro view, both on the same device and at the same dimensions and screen resolution. I worked pretty hard on our corporate site to test on as many devices and browsers as possible, trying…


Tags: css, Internet Explorer, mobile, standards, touch

My Presentation Slides: Making Your Site Printable

On Friday, May 17 I had the pleasure of speaking for the first time at Stir Trek, a one-day conference in Columbus, Ohio, that drew over 1,200 attendees (and I understand sold out in just a few minutes). Apparently the name is a reference to the MIX developer conference, for…


Tags: css, html, print, QR, slides, speaking, standards, UX

Balancing Act: Features, Budgets & Timelines at Web Standards Sherpa

As of today I am an author over at Web Standards Sherpa. I wrote an article discussing the process of juggling a no-budget, tight-timeframe web site for Buffalo Soccer Club while still trying to adhere to best practices. The article is titled “Balancing Act: Features, Budgets & Timelines.” I get a…


Tags: accessibility, clients, css, html, mobile, print, project management, standards

Tracking When Users Print Pages

A few months ago I had the pleasure of writing a piece for .net Magazine about print styles (Make your website printable with CSS). It was posted to .net’s web site last month and received an overwhelming one comment. That comment, however, summed up something I hear all the time:…


Tags: analytics, css, pattern, print, standards

Calling QR in Print CSS Only When Needed

For those of us who put together print styles for our sites, we’ve probably tossed around the idea of embedding QR codes so that users can quickly get back to a page they have printed. In the hardcopy version of my article for .net Magazine, “Make your website printable with…


Tags: css, design, pattern, print, QR, standards, usability


Last week I spent my Friday afternoon trying to get my head around how to apply ARIA properly to a tabbed interface. I even got so far as to map it out on my whiteboard and snap a photo so I could mull it over during the weekend. And then…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, JavaScript, pattern, standards, W3C, WAI

Letting Mobile Users See Desktop View of RWD Site

Bruce Lawson tweeted out a seemingly random musing today that I have pondered myself — what if, while on a mobile device and surfing a RWD web site, I want the desktop version of a site? There are many reasons as a user that this might be the case, ranging…


Tags: browser, css, JavaScript, mobile, standards, touch, usability, UX

2012 Advent Calendars for Web Devs

Now that the (Western, my favorite) holiday season is upon us, the tradition of advent calendars whose chocolate is replaced with web-related tips and articles is back. This year’s crop is missing some from last year, but there’s still good stuff to be found. If you know of any others,…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, internet, JavaScript, usability, UX

Chromatic Type with Pseudo Elements

Typography on the web has come a long way from the days of a handful of web-safe fonts, six sizes, and little other control. With the ability to embed custom typefaces in web pages and exert a great deal of control via CSS, it was a matter of time before…


Tags: css, design, fonts, html, pattern, typefaces

CSS Background Images & High Contrast Mode

This post was written in 2012, when Internet Explorer was still a browser in common use, Edge did not exist (in either form), and WHCM was not yet on standards track. If you are supporting IE or looking for historical support, then this article is for you. Otherwise I recommend…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, Internet Explorer, pattern, standards, W3C, WHCM

CSS-only Radial Menu Experiments

I have been working on a slow and plodding redesign of my personal site and am playing around with some navigation ideas. I wanted to create a JavaScript-free and image-free radial menu, an idea I toyed with a couple years ago and abandoned due to the lack of CSS support…


Tags: css, design, html, mobile, pattern, standards, touch, usability, UX

My Print Styles Article in .net Magazine

Images of the magazine pages featuring my article. The Summer 2012 (#231) issue of .net Magazine has my tutorial on making print styles for your site. Not only did I get four pages, the article got a mention on the front cover (small though it is) and my photo in…


Tags: css, html, print, standards