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Adrian Roselli
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All Posts Tagged: Web

Brightkite Tries Another Angle

Brightkite is working to be more relevant to the average web surfer using its image-happy almost-food-centric users by allowing them to post tips to venues (Tippety Top. Brighkite launches photo-tips). Oddly, as a Brightkite user, I first heard about this from Mashable (Brightkite Launches Location-Based Photo Tips), and then pestered…


Tags: Brightkite, geolocation, social media

Blind Students Sue Over Online Law School Applications

The Chronicle of Higher Education reported that three law students and the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) are suing four law schools in California claiming that the online application system is not accessible to students who are blind (Blind Students Sue Law Schools Over Online Applications). Specifically, the online…


Tags: accessibility, usability

Google Caffeine Is Live

Late yesterday Google announced the launch of its new web indexing system, Caffeine. According to Google, it provides 50% “fresher” results and is the largest collection of web content it has ever offered.The big push for this new indexing technology is the rise (explosion, really) of real-time data on the…


Tags: Google, search, SEO

TED Talk: The Future of UI

John Underkoffler is the science adviser who was behind the user interface ideas used in the movie Minority Report. In his TED talk, he shows examples of interfaces made up of real-world objects, providing interaction far different than what we know today. Given the success of the Wii, multi-touch interfaces,…


Tags: touch, usability, UX

Luke Wroblewski on Mobile First

Dan Benjamin and Jeffrey Zeldman interview Luke Wroblewski about the evolving nature of the web as mobile devices start to dominate the stats of some sites (5 by 5: Episode 6: Mobile First, 51:37). They bounce around discussing issues from design to technology while Luke peppers the conversation with statistics…


Tags: browser, design, mobile, standards, touch, usability, UX

The Future of Check-ins (at

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Last week Mashable featured a post asking…


Tags: Brightkite, Foursquare, geolocation, Gowalla, mobile, social media

SVG Progress Bar Contest

Thanks to the W3C Twitter feed, I discovered a W3C blog post about an SVG contest, “No Bit, Sherlock.” While the W3C may be pushing the contest, they aren’t the sponsors. The contest is produced by Web Directions, an organization founded by John Allsop and Maxine Sherrin to create web…


Tags: Internet Explorer, SVG, W3C

Smokescreen Brings Flash to iPad, iPhone

Smokescreen – iPad demo #1 from Chris @ RevShockAds on Vimeo.Now that it’s clear that Apple has no intention of letting Adobe Flash run on the iPad or iPhone, workarounds for Flash are even more compelling to developers. Smokescreen, primarily by Chris Smoak, bypasses the need for the Flash plug-in…


Tags: Adobe, Apple, browser, Flash, html, mobile

Remote User Testing Article at ALA

A List Apart has posted an article this week by Nate Bolt titled Quick and Dirty Remote User Testing. He is a co-author of Remote Research, published this year by Rosenfeld Media.In the article he discusses techniques and tools for conducting remote UX, usability and design testing. While he is…


Tags: design, usability, UX

Too Much Hype over Location-Based Services?

Chris Treadaway is founder and CEO of Lasso, a “hyper-local advertising platform for media outlets and small businesses.” He was recently on a panel in Austin, Texas with Gowalla CEO Josh Williams, where he may have seemed like a buzz kill to many in the crowd.Chris tells his story in…


Tags: Brightkite, Foursquare, geolocation, Gowalla, social media

Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-On Is Out

That title was more fun to write than I thought it would be.Back in March I mentioned that Google had decided that it would let users opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics (Google to Let Users Opt Out of Analytics Tracking). That day is here. News sites all…


Tags: analytics, Google, privacy

Facebook Privacy UI Redesign Ideas

Facebook has been taking a (well-deserved) beating lately for all its privacy (or lack of) controls. No longer is Facebook getting beat up in the world of blogs and tech journals, now it’s taking fire from the likes of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and even has…


Tags: Facebook, privacy, social media, usability, UX