I ran a 3-hour workshop at John Slatin AccessU 2024 in Austin titled “Prototyping Accessibility.” The nice thing about workshops is that they are a dialog between the participants as much as with me. The less nice thing about workshops is standing up for three hours.
I do not make the PowerPoint file available because my slides have been taken and used by others before, and I believe they should have to exert at least some modicum of effort to steal from me. I also did not export this as a PDF owing to it being a workshop, so the slides aren’t much use on their own anyway.
However, I gathered some of the resources I mentioned in that workshop (which are mostly mine but which link to supporting materials):
AccessU is not the kind of event that generates a lot of social media activity. People during the workshop who were on their phones were probably just bored or doom-scrolling, because they certainly weren’t posting about the workshop to Masto or the hell-site. I did have some posts, however.
I have been volunteered to run the “Practical and Complex Examples of ARIA Live” unconference session at #AccessU2024. So come by 116 at noon with your lunch and… unconference.
If you were in the ARIA Live Regions unconference session, thank you for the great conversation and letting me finally eat my lunch. I hope you all appreciated my moderation style of saying “No” to Zoltan a lot.
#AccessU2024 put my name on the door for the unconference session I was assigned, perhaps as a warning.
The final location of that sign was oddly fitting.
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