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Adrian Roselli
Large Language Distrbuted Ledger Routine MVP

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Slides from 2018 Guelph Accessibility Conference

If the embed below does not work, view the slides directly at SlideShare. I also collected tweets all about me… Kicking off day two of the Guelph Accessibility Conference. #AccessConf2018 Adrian Roselli (@aardrian) May 30, 2018 Everything I know about accessibility I learned from stack overflow. With such a…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, slides, standards

Web Day @ Microsoft Edge

Back in September Microsoft invited me to attend its Edge conference and to also stick around for another day with about a dozen other folks to pick our brains about how Edge is used, and can be improved, in modern web development. I wrote my notes on the public part…


Tags: accessibility, Edge, standards

Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2018

This year for Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) I opted to follow my lead from last year and tweet a series of links to articles I have written. This time I limited it to articles I have written since the last GAAD. Just like last year, I am making it…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, standards, usability, UX

Functions to Add ARIA to Tables and Lists

Related Other posts in this accidental series: Layout as a Clue to Semantics Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset Tables, JSON, CSS, ARIA, RWD, TLAs… Tables, CSS Display Properties, and ARIA A Responsive Accessible Table Hey, It’s Still OK to Use Tables When I presented my talk CSS Display…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, pattern, standards, tables

Layout as a Clue to Semantics

Related Other posts in this accidental series: Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset Tables, JSON, CSS, ARIA, RWD, TLAs… Tables, CSS Display Properties, and ARIA A Responsive Accessible Table Hey, It’s Still OK to Use Tables I did not mean to write a series on tables. It’s not a…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, standards, tables

Portland UX: Fringe Accessibility

About an hour ago I wrapped up my talk to Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup. I have posted the slides to SlideShare and embedded them below. I understand there may be a transcript available later. When I know, I will link it.


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, slides

WordCamp Buffalo: CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics

I got to roll out a brand new talk today, and WordCamp Buffalo attendees were kind enough to patiently sit through it. As promised I have posted the slides and embedded them below. If the embed is a problem, you can view them at SlideShare. Videos I embedded the videos…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, slides, standards

Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset

CSS resets are a collection of CSS styles that undo the default browser styling of many or most HTML elements. Recently I have seen cases of developers using display: contents on lists and headings to remove the margins and padding, and generally to visually do what a CSS reset might…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, Firefox, Safari, standards, tables