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Adrian Roselli
SaaS Distrbuted Ledger Platform CPACC

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Confusion in Recent Google Updates

Google pushed out some updates recently which have had SEO experts and spammers, as well as the average web developer or content author, a bit confused. It seems that some sites have been losing traffic and attributing the change to the wrong update. It also seems that some of this…


Tags: Google, SEO

My WordCamp Presentation: Content Strategy

On Saturday, October 20, 2012, I spoke at the first ever WordCamp Buffalo. I am a casual WordPress user, not a developer, though my decade-and-a-half experience with multiple blogs and content management systems (even writing our own CMS at Algonquin Studios) gives me plenty of insight into the overall process…


Tags: project management, slides, speaking

SEO Isn’t Just Google

This past weekend I had the pleasure of participating in Buffalo’s first WordCamp for WordPress users. Before my presentation I made it a point to sit in on the other sessions that were in the same track as mine. When discussing SEO, all the sessions I saw mentioned only Google.…


Tags: analytics, Bing, Google, rant, search, SEM, SEO, Yahoo

Speaking at WordCamp Buffalo

Having returned late last night from a six-timezone jump and an almost complete disconnect from technology, in just two days I’ll be back up to full strength as I speak at WordCamp Buffalo on Saturday, October 20, 2012. Some information about the event from the site: WordCamp Buffalo is a…


Tags: speaking

Chromatic Type with Pseudo Elements

Typography on the web has come a long way from the days of a handful of web-safe fonts, six sizes, and little other control. With the ability to embed custom typefaces in web pages and exert a great deal of control via CSS, it was a matter of time before…


Tags: css, design, fonts, html, pattern, typefaces