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Adrian Roselli
Leveraged Adversarial Model genAI

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Make a Better Restaurant Site

Last night I had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion for the Buffalo chapter of Social Media Club. The panel consisted of a food blogger, a restaurant review site owner, a restaurant / cooking school owner, and a local food writer / reviewer / event planner. As I asked…


Tags: accessibility, design, Flash, food, mobile, rant, social media

Buffalo Foodie Panel

In just under one week’s time, the Buffalo chapter of Social Media Club will be hosting a panel discussion featuring local food bloggers, restaurant reviewers, and food business owners who have found success using social media. Here’s the scoop: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:00pm — 8:30pm Artisan Kitchen and Baths…


Tags: food, social media, speaking

Browser Makers Caving to Vendor Prefix Misuse

TL;DR: Help stop further erosion of an open web by removing our -webkit- only prefix reliance. Information on how to do this at the bottom. Example of vendor prefixes in CSS for Webkit browsers (Chrome, Safari), Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera, and finally the standard from the CSS spec. Vendor prefixes…


Tags: browser, css, rant, standards, W3C