24 Ways Is Back Over 24 Days

If you were paying attention any of the last few years, you may have noticed that the 24 Ways web site is set up to run as an annual advent calendar for web geeks. Each day the site posts a new article dealing with some aspect of the web, ideally giving something useful to everyone who might be reading it.

You can find daily updates right on the home page, or by following them on Twitter (@24ways) or following the RSS feed in your favorite aggregator (full content of each article is in the feed).

Authors you should recognize will be posting throughout the month (Jeff Zeldman, Eric Meyer, John Allsopp, Jeremy Keith, Christian Heilmann). You can also look back at articles from previous years (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) to see how many of those old tips still hold true and how many might have changed over time and use.

Because I lost a few days at the beginning of this month, I’ll use this post instead to highlight the first four days of articles. It changes daily, so be sure to go check it out each day for the rest of the month.

Working With RGBA Colour
Drew McLellan kicks off the2009 season with a look at some of the tools CSS3 provides for applying levels of transparency to color values, enabling you to avoid weighing down a site design with heavy PNG images.
Breaking Out The Edges of the Browser
Remy Sharp takes us by the hand and guides us through our first steps into the web applications side of HTML5 with a look at web storage and offline applications. You’ll need a nice modern browser and some Kendal Mint Cake.
Have a Field Day with HTML5 Forms
Inayaili de León introduces some of the new form field types available in HTML5, and then goes on to look at some more advanced CSS3 techniques which can be used to keep your forms looking sharp and ship shape.
What makes a website successful? It might not be what you expect!
Paul Boag challenges us to think about what makes sites successful, which has interesting implications on how resources are spent.

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