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Adrian Roselli
AI-Powered Machine Learning Model MVP

All Posts Tagged: WHCM


Using ARIA instead of HTML is generally fine for content, layout, structure, and other static bits of a page. A <div role=”heading” aria-level=”1″> is the same as <h1> as far users and accessibility APIs are concerned. It is unlikely a user will ever notice the difference unless you use both…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, standards, usability, WHCM

WHCM and System Colors

Outline: Feature Queries Proprietary, or Internet Explorer Only Standards Track, or Edge Only Frankenquery’s Monster System Colors CSS2 System Color Keywords WHCM Proprietary Feature Query Color Mappings CSS4 System Color Keywords Browser Support Internet Explorer Legacy Edge (Ledgacy) Chromium Edge (Chromiedge) Firefox Chrome Examples Backgrounds Inline SVGs SVGs via <img>s…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, Edge, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, WHCM

Multi-Function Button

Table of Contents Example The HTML Live Region Button Decoration Accessible Name The Styles Hide the Live Region Color and Contrast Active Animations Text Resize and Reflow Windows High Contrast Mode The Script The Click Event Manipulate Outcomes Screen Reader Output WCAG Success Criteria What This Does Not Do Wrap-up…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, JavaScript, pattern, usability, UX, WHCM

Under-Engineered Text Boxen

Others in this sorta-series: Under-Engineered Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxen Under-Engineered Toggles Under-Engineered Toggles Too This is the latest, and not last, in my informal series of posts on under-engineered controls. Generally I am looking at the minimum amount of CSS necessary to style native HTML controls while also retaining…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, usability, UX, WHCM

Under-Engineered Toggles Too

Updated Intro Whether you use a <button> or <input type=”checkbox”> for your toggle depends on a few factors: Use <button> if: you can count on JavaScript being available, flipping the toggle has an immediate effect, the toggle will never have an indeterminate state. Continue reading this post. Use <input type=”checkbox”>…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, usability, UX, WHCM

Periodic Table of the Elements

I built this for me. An audience of one. A way to keep sharp the skills that I am not always able to use on a project. My requirements were simple: responsive (print, small screens), accessible (beyond screen readers), and kinda fun. Since it relies on a JSON data source…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, JavaScript, pattern, print, WHCM

Under-Engineered Toggles

Updated Intro Whether you use a <button> or <input type=”checkbox”> for your toggle depends on a few factors: Use <button> if: you can count on JavaScript being available, flipping the toggle has an immediate effect, the toggle will never have an indeterminate state. Go read Under-Engineered Toggles Too. Use <input…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, usability, UX, WHCM

SVG Filtering for Windows High Contrast Mode

Update 21 January 2021: This post addresses the previous / original engine for Microsoft Edge (Legacy Edge or Ledgacy). Since Edge’s switch to the Chromium rendering engine (becoming Chromiedge), the proprietary feature queries are no longer supported and this technique may no longer work or may need to be amended…


Tags: accessibility, css, Edge, pattern, WHCM

GitHub Contributions Chart

Perhaps a testament to how little I might value GitHub contributions. GitHub profile pages are, to many, the de facto place to quickly judge the value of a developer. The contributions chart is an at-a-glance visual indicator of that value. I disagree completely with the notion of the chart (or…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, mobile, pattern, standards, usability, UX, WHCM

Tweaking Text Level Styles

It’s a bit of a pain to pepper updates within the sections of the post, so just scroll down to the latest update and work your way back up. Considering how much I charge for this site, I am hoping my readers will accept the extra effort. This post is…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, pattern, standards, usability, UX, WHCM

OS: High Contrast versus Inverted Colors

Low resolution screen shots combined to show the same page as seen using Windows High Contrast Mode and macOS Invert Colors settings. There are different ways to make a web page more easy to read, but there are two options that come directly from the operating system that many developers…


Tags: accessibility, Apple, Microsoft, WHCM

A Responsive Accessible Table

Painfully slow demonstration of the example table resizing and different media queries kicking in. After writing (again) that it is ok to use tables, and after providing quick examples of responsive tables, I received questions about why I used some of the code I did. I am going to attempt…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, html, mobile, pattern, print, standards, tables, usability, UX, WHCM