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Adrian Roselli
Leveraged Virtualization Tool-Set SME

All Posts Tagged: standards

W3C Testifies on Web Accessibility to US House

I might have posted this last week, considering this was scheduled to happen on Thursday, April 21, but then the time shifted from 10am to 1pm, and then no notes went up.Judy Brewer, Director of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) was scheduled to appear (testify) before the US House Judiciary…


Tags: accessibility, standards, usability, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Mozilla to Modify How CSS :visited Works

If you know CSS, then you know that the :visited pseudo-class is a method to determine if a user has already been to the link it targets. For example, you may have styles for a:link and a:visited in your CSS file to help users see a difference between links they’ve…


Tags: css, Firefox, privacy, standards

W3C Releases 7 HTML-related Documents

The W3C has announced today that it has published seven documents related to HTML. I’m going to cheat and just bring in their description:HTML 5 and HTML5 differences from HTML4. In addition, some content that was part of the HTML 5 specification has been published in two new standalone drafts:…


Tags: html, standards, W3C

Too Soon to Advocate HTML5?

At the site Rebuilding the Web there is plenty of content questioning the current process and chaos around HTML5 and related specs. A piece that drew my attention echoes the dust-ups I have had over HTML5 (and XHTML2) and whether it’s a good idea to push it so hard when…


Tags: html, rant, standards

The Latest on HTML5

Many of us have been following the ongoing progress of HTML5 for some time now, alternately curious and confused by the nascent specification. Comics like the one above (from the CSSquirrel site) demonstrate the frustration many web professionals are feeling with the mixed messages they think they see from the…


Tags: html, standards, W3C, whatwg

W3C: Contacting Organizations about Inaccessible Websites

For those of us who make a living working with organizations to help make their web sites accessible to users with disabilities, we’ve got it easy — the client wants to hear our recommendations. As users, however, all too often we stumble across an accessibility issue and don’t know what…


Tags: accessibility, standards, W3C, WAI

More News in the URL Shortener Market

Back in October I commented how the list of URL shorteners has gotten even shorter (or shortener, as I liked to call it). As rose to the top thanks to Twitter, and called it quits. Things have changed a bit since then.Recap and took back its…


Tags: internet, social media, standards

Bulletproof @font-face Syntax (reprint)

Paul Irish has gone ahead and created a block of CSS that we can reliably embed into our pages that will import .eot and .ttf/.otf font files. In his article Bulletproof @font-face syntax, he breaks down the various options and their support, providing arguments for and against each. In the…


Tags: browser, fonts, standards, typefaces, WOFF

24 Ways Is Back Over 24 Days

If you were paying attention any of the last few years, you may have noticed that the 24 Ways web site is set up to run as an annual advent calendar for web geeks. Each day the site posts a new article dealing with some aspect of the web, ideally…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, html, standards, usability, UX, W3C

IE9 First Details

Microsoft revealed some first details of Internet Explorer 9 at the Microsoft Professional Developer’s Conference, as reported by Mashable today. Only in development for three weeks, there’s still quite a lot of time before it gets to market. According to Mashable, Microsoft did have the following to say:On HTML 5:…


Tags: browser, css, html, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, standards

Screen Reader User Survey Results

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. WebAIM is a non-profit organization within the…


Tags: accessibility, browser, html, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG, xhtml

Reminder: See Me Speak, Tues. Nov. 3

I will be one of the panelists at the Infotech Niagara panel session titled “Maximizing Your Web Presence.” It takes place Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 8:00am at Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s conference room, 665 Main Street, Suite 200, Buffalo, New York 14203 (map below). BNP has parking information at their…


Tags: SEM, SEO, social media, speaking, standards