Yes, it’s a tired title already. But it’s based on the third installment of the popular What the F**k is Social Media NOW? slide show that’s been recycling around the web again for the last couple weeks. As such, not including it here almost makes me seem like I’m clueless.…
Back in early June, the web site Mashable, known for reporting on all sorts of things related to social media among its other topics, posted an idea for creating a worldwide social media day (Join Mashable in Celebrating Social Media Day). They quickly mobilized some major cities for an event,…
Today on ReadWriteWeb, Marshall Kirkpatrick (Co-Editor and Vice President of Content Development) has posted an article titled Why We Check In: The Reasons People Use Location Based Social Networks. In the article he explores why people use services like Foursquare and Gowalla to post their physical location for the world…
Earlier this week Twitter announced Twitter Places, allowing users to associate tweets with specific places, not just latitude/longitude or data pushed in from other services (Twitter Places: More Context For Your Tweets). Up until this announcement, you could associate a tweet with a specific place by pushing a location with…
Brightkite is working to be more relevant to the average web surfer using its image-happy almost-food-centric users by allowing them to post tips to venues (Tippety Top. Brighkite launches photo-tips). Oddly, as a Brightkite user, I first heard about this from Mashable (Brightkite Launches Location-Based Photo Tips), and then pestered…
This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Last week Mashable featured a post asking…
Chris Treadaway is founder and CEO of Lasso, a “hyper-local advertising platform for media outlets and small businesses.” He was recently on a panel in Austin, Texas with Gowalla CEO Josh Williams, where he may have seemed like a buzz kill to many in the crowd.Chris tells his story in…
Facebook has been taking a (well-deserved) beating lately for all its privacy (or lack of) controls. No longer is Facebook getting beat up in the world of blogs and tech journals, now it’s taking fire from the likes of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and even has…
To quote the Library of Congress, or at least its first tweet and second tweet announcement (follow it at @librarycongress):Library to acquire ENTIRE Twitter archive — ALL public tweets, ever, since March 2006! Details to follow.Library acquires ENTIRE Twitter archive. ALL tweets. More info here is old news to…
This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. If you have been paying any attention…
Yesterday the Wall Street Journal technology blog posted an article titled Google Buzz Exemplifies Privacy Problems, FTC Commissioner Says. The outgoing FTC Commissioner said that technology companies, specifically Google, are being too cavalier with the personal data of consumers. While qualifying her remarks as not official FTC comments, she said…
The same night my article about QR codes (Real World Hyperlinks) goes up on, TechCrunch posts an article about a company using bar codes in a novel way — The Secret Lives Of Objects: StickyBits Turn Barcodes Into Personal Message Boards.StickyBits, the name of the company and product, is…