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Adrian Roselli
Pre-trained Funded State RTFM

All Posts Tagged: JavaScript

CodePen HTML Buddies Challenge

CodePen created an interesting challenge for May, asking users to come up with styles and ideas for HTML elements that typically come in pairs. It has called this series HTML Buddies and ran a different challenge each week in May for different paired elements. I participated by calling out accessibility…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, JavaScript


Yeah. Another one. Let’s recap: In 2012 I asked that we get back to using HTML tables for tabular data in my post It’s OK to Use Tables, In November I argued that we need to avoid ARIA grid patterns for tables in Hey, It’s Still OK to Use Tables,…


Tags: accessibility, html, JavaScript, mobile, tables, usability, UX, WCAG

Google Analytics Viewport Tracking

Google Analytics has tracked browser viewport sizes for almost four years, but I found it was imprecise. After doing some recent testing I have decided it works well and have started to dump my own tracking as a result. This post shares some of the history and comparison information. History…


Tags: analytics, browser, JavaScript

Tweaked ‘Better Method’ YouTube Embed

Last week Amit Agarwal posted a great tutorial on making YouTube embeds less of a burden for users, A Better Method for Embedding YouTube Videos on your Website. The abstract: Learn how to embed YouTube videos responsively and without increasing the page load time. The embeds are light and mobile…


Tags: css, html, JavaScript, pattern, usability, UX, YouTube

There Is No Document Outline Algorithm

I figured I would state the entire argument in the title. After all, as of this writing and the last seven-plus years, the statement is accurate as far as the browsers are concerned. I am penning this as sort of a follow-up to my post from 2013, The Truth about…


Tags: accessibility, html, JavaScript, rant, standards, W3C, WCAG

Not Really an April Fools’ Prank

I added something to my site for April Fools’ Day, and it didn’t go quite so well (as opposed to my 2012 effort, which just went nowhere). In reality, it’s something I’ve wanted to add to my site for a while, but my gaming night was canceled last night (they…


Tags: accessibility, JavaScript, UX

Keyboard and Overflow

Imagine that as a user you regularly use the keyboard for non-data-entry tasks. Think about how frustrating it is to have to grab the mouse to hover over something on the screen just to see it. Now imagine that you are a keyboard-only user. That problem can be addressed somewhat…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, JavaScript, pattern, tables, usability, UX

Show/Hide Script-Free (Which Means CSS Only)

There are many ways to hide and show content with a click (or tap or poke or key-press or …). Many of them have JavaScript under the hood and nearly all of them have dependencies on third-party libraries and/or CDNs. This may be fine when you already have to load…


Tags: accessibility, css, JavaScript, pattern, usability, UX

For Infinite Scroll, Bounce Rate Is a Vanity Stat

Animation showing me scrolling an article at the Fortune site. The yellow arrow indicates when the URL changes. At that point leaving the site will not count as a bounce. About a year ago I wrote a post with a checklist of items I feel you would need to satisfy…


Tags: accessibility, JavaScript, rant, usability, UX

Announcing My Ring Warmer App

Animation showing the Ring Warmer in action. If you have to wear a ring, then perhaps you have experienced the discomfort of putting a cold ring on your finger (maybe in the morning in a cold house). I decided that I could do something about that using the only tool…


Tags: apps, css, html, JavaScript, mobile, pattern, touch

Accessible Bootstrap Frameworks

This post originally appeared on the Algonquin Studios blog. If you work much with accessibility, then you might consider the title of this post to be an oxymoron, a self-contradicting mess. Frankly, I tend to agree. Barring a compelling use case, I never start a project with Bootstrap and I…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, JavaScript, mobile, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

So You Think You’ve Built a Good Infinite Scroll

So you’re saying there’s a chance … that I’ll make it to the footer. TL;DR (added 12 December 2020): Can the user hit “back” and return to the exact same place? Is there paging for when the JavaScript breaks? Does the page have a footer? Can a keyboard user access…


Tags: accessibility, JavaScript, rant, usability, UX