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Adrian Roselli
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All Posts Tagged: infographic

Infographically Disinclined

I don’t care for infographics. Their original purpose of visually conveying otherwise complex information has been superseded by their current use as marketing drek with “quirky” illustrations, blocks of prose, and the occasional useful factoid. The love affair with inforgraphics is confounding to me as a web developer. They are…


Tags: accessibility, design, infographic, rant, standards

Web Accessibility Sorta-Infographic

WebAIM is a non-profit organization within the Center for Persons with Disabilities at Utah State University. It has a reputation (perhaps only in my head?) or providing resources both to the disabled and to organizations enlightened enough to want to support the disabled (or selfish enough to recognize they will…


Tags: accessibility, infographic, usability

Social Media Spam Sorta-Infographic

Today’s sorta-infographic contains four pie charts, one of which is supposed to show a range, and the other three are ostensibly based on 12 hour clocks. Despite it’s clip-art-style graphics, it does provide some pretty interesting factoids and comes with accompanying text to explain the graphics and provide more details.…


Tags: infographic, privacy, social media

Patent Wars Sorta-Infographic

I’m giving in to the cool hip trend of infographics that has been popping up like pinkeye across blogging and tech sites lately. These infographics are typically nothing more than data points (sometimes just narrative) strewn about with mathematically suspect charts or somewhat-related design elements. But they seem to draw…


Tags: Apple, Google, infographic, Microsoft, patents

Browsers as Wrestlers “Infographic”

Earlier this week CBS News ran the above image on its site in the Tech Talk section (within the topic Wired for Women, which doesn’t seem to have anything to do with women) under the article An infographic! If web browsers were wrestlers… As is common nowadays, any illustration with…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Firefox, infographic, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari