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Adrian Roselli
Decentralized Virtualization System genAI

All Posts Tagged: ARIA

My Slides from Accessibility Camp NYC

If the embedded slides are not working, you can get to them directly at SlideShare. There is also a video of my talk (and all the other talks) available, or you can watch it below: Errata Note that I adjusted slide 89 before I posted it to SlideShare, thanks to…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Use Only One <main> on a Page

That’s it. That’s the meat of the post. The title covers it all. You don’t need to read any further. You are, of course, welcome to continue since I spent all this time writing it. Definition For those who aren’t familiar with <main>, the element is intended to be a…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, whatwg

Use On-Page Image Descriptions

I feel I need to manage your expectation that this post is mostly about the longdesc attribute, that I voted for bringing it from HTML4 into HTML5, and that I know this is a polarizing topic among, well, anyone who has an opinion on it. Now for the TL;DR: based…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI

Where to Put Your Search Role

I really spent far too much time re-thinking that title. Please note that HTML now has a <search> element. Please see the March 24, 2023 update below. If you have a search form on your site and you want to be a good accessibility soldier and drop ARIA roles in…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, pattern, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Obligatory Redesign Post

Screen shots showing four of the states of the menu of which I am so proud but which has questionable usability, as opposed to the h1 style, which is unquestionably unusable. Note that one of those screen shots is really a view of the printed page, where the menu is…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, html, mobile, standards, touch, usability, WHCM

Slides from Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2015

The Paciello Group is holding a full day of free webinars on Global Accessibility Awareness Day. That’s 24 straight hours of talks, which started at midnight (GMT) on Wednesday, May 20 through through midnight (still GMT) on Thursday, May 21. I was fortunate enough to participate as a speaker and…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, slides, speaking, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Speaking at Inclusive Design 24 for Global Accessibility Awareness Day

The headline really captures it all. The Paciello Group will be holding a full day of free webinars on Global Accessibility Awareness Day. That’s 24 straight hours of talks, starting at midnight (GMT) on Wednesday, May 20 through through midnight (still GMT) on Thursday, May 21. I’ll be giving my…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, speaking, standards, usability, UX

Slides: Selfish Accessibility for Avega Group

The slides and video from my talk (a little background). Selfish Accessibility by Adrian Roselli. Insider seminar at Avega Group.— Vera Olsson (@en_surkova) March 19, 2015


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG

ACE! Conference Slides: Selfish Accessibility

In addition to the slides, I’ve embedded video of my talk and way too many tweets after that. Video Impressing everyone on the internet, Paul Klipp has already gotten videos from ACE! posted less than 24 hours after the event ended. That’s impressive. I understand his tactic is to upload…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, html, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Speaking at ACE! Conference in Krakow

I’ll be spending much of March bringing my shining personality to Europe, partially in the form of speaking engagements. The first one I can announce is the sixth annual ACE! Conference in Krakow Poland on March 16 and 17. Somewhere within that two day conference I’ll be talking about accessibility.…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, speaking, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

CSS Bookmarklets for Testing and Fixing

I regularly have to test sites in development, review some third-party site, or just use a site in my day-to-day time wasting (and banking) rituals. I’ve relied on viewing the page’s source or popping into my browser’s dev tools to find a missing element, copy un-transformed text, check for inline…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, browser, css, html, standards, W3C

Blue Beanie Day

Image showing the pixel-art image of Jeffrey Zeldman in his iconic blue beanie (top left) simulating (clockwise) protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia. Via CVSimulator app. Blue Beanie Day, or for about 0.05% of the population with tritanopia/tritanomaly, Teal Beanie Day! On Sunday, November 30, web designers and developers across the globe…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG