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All Posts Tagged: apps

Google Finally Has Code for App Banners, Will Now Penalize Interstitials

I didn’t want pizza anyway. Plenty of sites have covered the news from Google that many users have wanted to hear for some time now — that those giant overlays on sites that prompt you to download an app will now result in a search ranking penalty. Many of the…


Tags: apps, Google, mobile, search, SEM, SEO, usability, UX

Twitter App Sets Browsers Back 10 Versions

Screen shot of a web page as seen in the Twitter app, with a menu showing the option to open in the user’s default web browser. The title of this post may be a bit of hyperbole for some, but it is completely true for me. Sometime over the course…


Tags: apps, browser, Chrome, rant, Twitter, usability, UX

Announcing My Ring Warmer App

Animation showing the Ring Warmer in action. If you have to wear a ring, then perhaps you have experienced the discomfort of putting a cold ring on your finger (maybe in the morning in a cold house). I decided that I could do something about that using the only tool…


Tags: apps, css, html, JavaScript, mobile, pattern, touch

Google Needs to Provide Android App Interstitial Alternative

Yesterday Matt Cutts from Google tweeted that Google search results for users on smartphones may be adjusted based on the kinds of errors a web site produces (of course I was excited): Important: if your website has smartphone errors, we may change rankings for smartphone users: #smx— Matt Cutts…


Tags: apps, Google, html, mobile, rant, SEM, SEO, standards, usability

App Store Meta Tags

Why yes, Dominos, I’d love to tap again to get your real home page to order a pizza when I could have done it right here, below your over-sized app pitch that could be done in a tiny ribbon. This may be old news to some of you, but I…


Tags: Apple, apps, browser, html, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, mobile, Safari, UX

iPad Retina Display Concerns and Tips

TL;DR The iPad 3 retina display means a lot of apps and web sites are going to feel pressure for sharper (bigger) images. Knowing if you need to scale your images, the impact on end users and some ways to mitigate that impact is the right way to approach this.…


Tags: Apple, apps, css, design, mobile, SVG, UX, W3C

Color Has a Gray Pallor

Color is the newest social media application on the block, launched just after SxSW and relying on proximity-based media sharing instead of a friend model. Founded by names from other successful ventures along with $41 million in funding, Color seemed poised to storm the social media market. One day after…


Tags: apps, geolocation, mobile, privacy, social media, usability, UX

Don’t Choose Between Mobile Web and Mobile Apps

When Adobe released InDesign it included a novel feature that was otherwise unheard of to the average agency — the ability to import content into its page templates from XML data. Having developed a web content management system (QuantumCMS for those of you interested in hiring us), we had selected…


Tags: apps, browser, html, mobile, rant, standards, touch

W3C Starts Mobile Web App Standards Roadmap

The W3C has taken a step toward gathering all the information relevant to the mobile web, as authored by its disparate working groups, under one umbrella as a singular (recurring) reference source: Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: February 2011 current state and roadmap (read the accompanying W3C blog post).…


Tags: apps, browser, html, mobile, standards, W3C

Apps Are Not Killing the Web

Forrester Research is an oft-cited source by businesses when making decisions or declarations about trends and technologies. In many circles Forrester is something of a de facto standard for analysis. As such I fully expect to start dealing with a recent statement from its CEO claiming that the web is…


Tags: apps, browser, html, internet, mobile, rant, touch

Ning Apps Launch

Ning has announced today on their blog that Ning Apps have launched.We use the Ning platform to run the Ride for Roswell community site (RideConnect) and for the QuantumCMS forum (QuantumCMS is Algonquin Studios‘ web content management system, for which I am responsible, so go sign up with us). Having…


Tags: apps, ning, social media