Having stumbled across the article “10 Usability Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit, I can see that the suggestions are pretty obvious, and the number 10 is probably more arbitrary than based on some natural break in severity. However, there are some things in the article I have been repeating for…
If you were paying attention any of the last few years, you may have noticed that the 24 Ways web site is set up to run as an annual advent calendar for web geeks. Each day the site posts a new article dealing with some aspect of the web, ideally…
A lot can be said about the value of social media, with arguments for real business value or ways to stay connected with friends and family or even that most of it is just egocentric drivel. As one of the purveyors of egocentric drivel in my Twitter stream, I can…
Boxes and Arrows has an article titled “Four Key Principles of Mobile User Experience Design” written by a former academic mobile UX (User eXperience) researcher. As the author transitioned to private sector he felt that when mobile UX was discussed it was too driven by the gee-whiz factors and not…
Three years ago YouTube/Google added the ability for video authors to add captions to videos. Over time support for multiple caption tracks was included, the expansion of search to consider text in captions, and even machine translation support for the captions (see my other post about machine translation risks).Even with…
Microsoft revealed some first details of Internet Explorer 9 at the Microsoft Professional Developer’s Conference, as reported by Mashable today. Only in development for three weeks, there’s still quite a lot of time before it gets to market. According to Mashable, Microsoft did have the following to say:On HTML 5:…
This article was originally posted on evolt.org, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted evolt.org the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. WebAIM is a non-profit organization within the…
Google announced a new service/feature today, Google Dashboard. Given all the services Google offers and all the ways you can interact with Google, it’s not surprising many people have privacy concerns and conspiracy theories (do enough people watch The Simpson’s for me to make an MLB joke here?). Google announced…
Media outlets seem to have settled on October 29 as the official birthday of the Internet. This date has been chosen because it’s the day that Leonard Kleinrock at the University of California-Los Angeles sent a message over a two-computer network (the other end being a computer at Stanford Research…
I will be one of the panelists at the Infotech Niagara panel session titled “Maximizing Your Web Presence.” It takes place Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 8:00am at Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s conference room, 665 Main Street, Suite 200, Buffalo, New York 14203 (map below). BNP has parking information at their…
ReadWriteWeb posted an article (Google’s Eric Schmidt on What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years) highlighting some bits from Eric Schmidt’s (Google CEO) talk at the Gartner Symposium/ITXpo Orlando 2009. ReadWriteWeb was even kind enough to post a 6 minute excerpt that they believe would be of interest…
In the article “Google Analytics Now More Powerful, Flexible and Intelligent” from last Tuesday (yes, I know I’m behind on this) on the Google Analytics Blog, the Analytics team has introduced some interesting new features. Some of the updates:Two new goal types allow you to set thresholds for Time on…