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Adrian Roselli
Pre-trained Trained Library PGP

Search Results: what

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Google Chrome 3 Released

Google has announced the release of Chrome version 3 (stable release). Given that it just celebrated its first anniversary earlier this month, it may catch up to Internet Explorer versions in no time.SpeedGoogle claims the latest release is faster — 150% faster in JavaScript performance since the first beta and…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google, html, standards

Twitter Updates ToS

On Thursday Twitter updated its Terms of Service. Much has already been said about how Twitter has confirmed that you as the author own your own tweets, but I was more taken with how Twitter made the new Terms easier to read for those of us who haven’t gotten a…


Tags: social media, Twitter

Facebook Doesn’t Make You Smarter, Rigorous Research Does.

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Yesterday posted an article titled “Psychologist:…


Tags: Facebook, rant, social media, Twitter

Google Chrome Turns 1

The Google Chrome blog has announced today that Chrome has officially turned 1 year old. In the regular world of software development, that might not be too long, but Google is quick to point out what they have done in just 1 year (I left their links intact):51 developer releases,…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Google

Contribute to HTML5

Listen, if I’m going to start a blog on web development some 15 years after I actually started web development, I really need to accept that all the furor of debating HTML has long since passed me by. But wait – I am proven wrong! In case you are a…


Tags: html, W3C, whatwg, xhtml

On Safari

So you’ve been wondering what all the hubbub is about this new browser that Apple has released, right? I bet you’re thinking to yourself, “oh dear, even more browsers in which to test.” Well, you’re right, it is a new browser to test, but it’s eerily familiar to many of…


Quick Color Class

This article originally appeared in the December, 2002 issue of DisplaySearch Monitor, published by DisplaySearch, the worldwide leader in flat panel display market research and consulting. This article also appears on for the benefit of anyone without a subscription to DisplaySearch Monitor. I have granted the right to…


Tags: css, design

Book Review: Usable Web Menus

From the Publisher Title: Usable Web Menus Authors: Andy Beaumont, Dave Gibbons, Jody Kerr, Jon Stephens ISBN: 1904151027 Publisher: glasshaus Price: US$ 13.99 at Page Count: 200 Publication Date: March 2002 When developing a web site, one of the most important things to consider is the navigation menu, to…


Style Switcher in ASP

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. As more and more sites move away…


Tags: css, pattern, standards, usability

Nielsen Snipes E-comm Sites, Teams with Macromedia

Jakob Nielsen, in a busy week, releases a report criticizing e-commerce sites, and teams up with Macromedia to help them make Flash 99% less bad. E-commerce Is 51% Bad The first report, from, describes a study released by the Nielsen Norman Group. The study claims that, from a field…


A Merger of Content Management and Localization Workflow

This article was originally published in Multilingual Computing & Technology, the leading industry magazine for web site globalization, international software development and language technology. In December 2001, Algonquin Studios and E-Merge Strategies completed a merger of two different companies with different products and targeted markets. Algonquin Studios had developed the…


Tags: internationalization, localization

Overture Sues Google

Overture (formerly filed suit against Google late Thursday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. The lawsuit only applies to the paid listings portion of the Google search engine, not its general search engine. Google has no press releases related to this case, but a Google spokesman claims that…
