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Adrian Roselli
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Working Around CSS3 Hacks

Until CSS3 is a final specification, we can expect to see browser makers attempting to implement some of the ideas on their own, sometimes with a nod to the forthcoming spec and sometimes without a clear correlation. Given the pressure for browser makers to claim support for a CSS3 feature…


Tags: browser, css, standards, W3C

CSS 2.1 Still Not Final

We all know that CSS3 is not final, nor is HTML5. What you may not know is that the CSS 2.1 specification is also not final. CSS2 became a W3C recommendation on May 12, 1998, over 12 years ago. Since then the CSS Working Group has been developing CSS Level…


Tags: css, html, standards, W3C, whatwg

Methods to Select an HTML5 Element

Sectioning Elements Right at the end of June, the HTML5 Doctor web site celebrated its first birthday (Happy 1st Birthday us). As part of that birthday celebration they have given us a gift: The Amazing HTML5 Doctor Easily Confused HTML Element Flowchart of Enlightenment (320kb PDF). Inspired by an original…


Tags: html, i18n, internationalization, standards, W3C, whatwg

Does Your Browser Really Support HTML5 and CSS3?

I like reading rants. And by rants, I mean well-thought, researched, articulate arguments that are the result of a festering pool of frustration finally shooting out and being channeled into something constructive. Not the rants you might find on bathroom stalls. Thanks to the Twitters I came across a blog…


Tags: accessibility, browser, Chrome, css, Firefox, html, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, standards, W3C, whatwg

UX Challenges in Touch Interfaces (at

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. As mobile devices have been taking over…


Tags: accessibility, mobile, touch, usability, UX

Travelogues, Places and Meetups

Today on ReadWriteWeb, Marshall Kirkpatrick (Co-Editor and Vice President of Content Development) has posted an article titled Why We Check In: The Reasons People Use Location Based Social Networks. In the article he explores why people use services like Foursquare and Gowalla to post their physical location for the world…


Tags: Brightkite, Foursquare, geolocation, Gowalla, social media

HTML5 and CSS3 Confusion

Too often I have found myself trying to explain to people what HTML5 is and how it won’t make the web look better. Then I get into a discussion of CSS3 and, other than the standards-obsessed, that’s when I lose most people.There is a post on PC Pro today (The…


Tags: css, html, standards, W3C

TED Talk: The Future of UI

John Underkoffler is the science adviser who was behind the user interface ideas used in the movie Minority Report. In his TED talk, he shows examples of interfaces made up of real-world objects, providing interaction far different than what we know today. Given the success of the Wii, multi-touch interfaces,…


Tags: touch, usability, UX

Luke Wroblewski on Mobile First

Dan Benjamin and Jeffrey Zeldman interview Luke Wroblewski about the evolving nature of the web as mobile devices start to dominate the stats of some sites (5 by 5: Episode 6: Mobile First, 51:37). They bounce around discussing issues from design to technology while Luke peppers the conversation with statistics…


Tags: browser, design, mobile, standards, touch, usability, UX

The Future of Check-ins (at

This article was originally posted on, an online resource for web developers, maintained by web developers. I have granted the right to use this article on their web site, and they are the only entity with the right to reproduce it. Last week Mashable featured a post asking…


Tags: Brightkite, Foursquare, geolocation, Gowalla, mobile, social media

Smokescreen Brings Flash to iPad, iPhone

Smokescreen – iPad demo #1 from Chris @ RevShockAds on Vimeo.Now that it’s clear that Apple has no intention of letting Adobe Flash run on the iPad or iPhone, workarounds for Flash are even more compelling to developers. Smokescreen, primarily by Chris Smoak, bypasses the need for the Flash plug-in…


Tags: Adobe, Apple, browser, Flash, html, mobile

Too Much Hype over Location-Based Services?

Chris Treadaway is founder and CEO of Lasso, a “hyper-local advertising platform for media outlets and small businesses.” He was recently on a panel in Austin, Texas with Gowalla CEO Josh Williams, where he may have seemed like a buzz kill to many in the crowd.Chris tells his story in…


Tags: Brightkite, Foursquare, geolocation, Gowalla, social media