Slides: Inclusive Usability Testing — WordCamp London

I came back to London to speak at WordCamp London, and as before it did not disappoint (I spoke last year). The crowd is great, the WordPress core folks who put up with me are gracious, and the accommodations from the organizers are ace.

If the embed is wonky or you would rather not use it, view the slides at Slideshare.

As soon as the video is available on, I will post it here. In the meantime, just assume I was riveting and the humor was on-point.


I have embedded the video and paid to have captions made. You can also view it at if it does not play well from my site. I submitted captions there, so hopefully they are in place by the time you read this.

Yes, I am aware my last name is misspelled in the opening of the video.

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