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Adrian Roselli
Computer Vision Monetization Overlay SME

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OS: High Contrast versus Inverted Colors

Low resolution screen shots combined to show the same page as seen using Windows High Contrast Mode and macOS Invert Colors settings. There are different ways to make a web page more easy to read, but there are two options that come directly from the operating system that many developers…


Tags: accessibility, Apple, Microsoft, WHCM

Slides: Inclusive Usability Testing — a11yTOCamp

I have uploaded my slides from a11yTOCamp to SlideShare. If the embed below does not work, visit them directly. There were a lot of great talks yesterday, though I only tweeted from a couple of them (and skipped one altogether). Watching


Tags: accessibility, internet, slides, usability, UX

Slides from Girl Develop It Buffalo

I gave a brief presentation to Girl Develop It (the Buffalo Chapter) tonight. The slides are at SlideShare and embedded below.


Tags: accessibility, slides, speaking, standards, usability, UX

Feature Request for Firefox Grid Inspector: Source Order

This post is both a feature request and an opportunity to share my thoughts in a format I find easier to use than a Bugzilla report. And Jen Simmons said I could do it as a blog post. So there. Firefox Grid Inspector I am a big fan of the…


Tags: accessibility, browser, css, Firefox, usability, WCAG

A Responsive Accessible Table

Painfully slow demonstration of the example table resizing and different media queries kicking in. After writing (again) that it is ok to use tables, and after providing quick examples of responsive tables, I received questions about why I used some of the code I did. I am going to attempt…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, css, design, html, mobile, pattern, print, standards, tables, usability, UX, WHCM

Hey, It’s Still OK to Use Tables

Baby Boomerangutuang, one of the Tick’s students. He was just shouting It’s OK to play with dolls! Consider this post to be the sequel to my 2012 post It’s OK to Use Tables. Here I will go into bit more detail based on the state of accessible efforts I see…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, html, pattern, standards, tables, usability, UX