Speaking at WordCamp London
This March (next month!) I will be flying over to London to speak at WordCamp London over 17 to 19 March. The description in its own words:
WordCamp London is a community organised WordPress event running for the fourth year since 2013. It’s aimed at anybody who uses, builds or simply has an interest in WordPress; including bloggers, core developers and end-users. We warmly welcome all levels of experience from beginners through to professionals.
With three-tracks over two days, WordCamp London ensures there is ample opportunity for all WordPress lovers to come together to share knowledge and discuss ideas; as well as a third day where attendees can kindly volunteer their time to contribute back to the project, and meet with the other likeminded people who make WordPress incredible.
I will be presenting my talk Selfish Accessibility on Saturday, 18 March at 3:00pm in Track B (I have no idea what room that is yet). It is being held at London Metropolitan University and, as I always do for my own benefit, I have embedded a map below.
Tickets are available now for a steal at £30. If you need it, there is accommodation for kids as well.
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