My Slides for Inclusive Design 24 for Global Accessibility Awareness Day
This morning I had the pleasure of presenting at the free online Inclusive Design 24 hour webinar by The Paciello Group as part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day. As promised, my slides are embedded here for you, or you can go directly to SlideShare to see them.
Correction: I cited the wrong third-party Twitter client on slide 53. Easy Chirp has supported low vision users for years and also has support for the new image descriptions.
The advantage of using YouTube via Google Hangouts to live stream the session is that the talks are available immediately afterwards on YouTube. By the time you read this (if it’s a couple hours after I posted it) you should also be able to access closed captions for the video.
There is also a playlist of all the talks, but I’ll link you to my talk and you can navigate the playlist from there.
Makayla Lewis did a sketchnote of my talk!
Of course, I have to embed some tweets about my talk and others. Who needs Storify when you can just embed?
“Sometimes I get tired of being normal, so I go back to being me.”
— Amelia Bellamy-Royds (@AmeliasBrain) May 19, 2016
—@MHolzschlag starting off #ID24
Xbox needs feedback on the #a11y of our products & services. & #id24
— Bryce Johnson (@brycej) May 19, 2016
How can we make your Xbox One experience better? Tell us in the Ease of Access user voice forum. #ID24 #GAAD
— MSFT Accessibility (@MSFTEnable) May 19, 2016
@aardrian Some. As @brycej mentioned, more to come. Thanks for asking. :)
— MSFT Accessibility (@MSFTEnable) May 19, 2016
.@sarahtp makes an excellent point – It's often the intent of a #WCAG criteria that's important, not the technique… #ID24
— Léonie Watson (@LeonieWatson) May 19, 2016
Tip 3: "Don't leave screen reader testing until the end. Test early and test often." – @sarahtp #id24 #a11y #webdev
— Shawn Hooper (@ShawnHooper) May 19, 2016
FYI: If you want to join whatever #ID24 session is currently going on, use this URL: #GAAD says @hanshillen
— Steve Faulkner (@stevefaulkner) May 19, 2016
HTML5 Video and Multiple Track Display – #webvtt #html5
— Ian Devlin (@iandevlin) May 19, 2016
Great start by @aardrian for his #ID24 talk =D
— Job (@detonite) May 19, 2016
“Unplug the mouse of your co-workers to make them appreciate accessibility and turn them into ex co-workers.” says @aardrian #ID24
— Michiel Bijl (@MichielBijl) May 19, 2016
@aardrian chihuahua-burrito… nom
— mallory, alice & bob (@stommepoes) May 19, 2016
.@aardrian has just reopened the debate between @stevefaulkner and @Hixie about 1 vs many main tags in a page. #ID24
— Aurelio De Rosa (@AurelioDeRosa) May 19, 2016
.@mlockrey's mentioned in @aadrian's talk
— mallory, alice & bob (@stommepoes) May 19, 2016
@aardrian #ID24 I wrote and
— Ian Devlin (@iandevlin) May 19, 2016
— mallory, alice & bob (@stommepoes) May 19, 2016
yay ShittyStairs makes an appearance. It's like a div ARIA'd into a button, on fire.
— mallory, alice & bob (@stommepoes) May 19, 2016
Spending lunch live sketchnoting @aardrian #ID24 talk Fringe #a11y (techniques that shouldn't be) #sketchnotes
— Dr. Makayla Lewis (@maccymacx) May 19, 2016
Share #a11y experiences and don't attack others for what you think they don't know. #ID24
— Amanda J. Rush (@cswordpress) May 19, 2016
Very very important! I would add: Don't assume they did the inaccessible stuff on purpose. #ID24
— Marco Zehe (@MarcoInEnglish) May 19, 2016
Amazing talk outta Buffalo, NY by @aardrian on "Fringe a11y" techniques. Check it oooot at @paciellogroup
— Jonny James (@heresjonnyjames) May 19, 2016
Another great #ID24 talk from @aardrian Techniques That Shouldn't Be
— Jeanne Spellman (@jspellman) May 19, 2016
@aardrian FYI @EasyChirp renders the alt text from Twitter API if provided
— Dennis Lembrée (@dennisl) May 19, 2016
touch and pointer target sizes: 44px x 44px (touch) / 20px x 20px (stylus/mouse). feedback wanted! #id24 @spellman @wahlbin
— patrick h. lauke (@patrick_h_lauke) May 19, 2016
Hidden bonus to #ID24: getting to see what all my coworkers' workspaces look like ;)
— Billy Gregory (@thebillygregory) May 19, 2016
Some of us are listening, more than it used to be, we need many more people to listen. Thanks @OneSwitch #id24 #GAAD
— Bryce Johnson (@brycej) May 19, 2016
After translating WCAG to Japanese, @makoto_ueki calls out the spec for not living up to its own guidelines for clear, simple writing.#ID24
— Amelia Bellamy-Royds (@AmeliasBrain) May 19, 2016
I just discovered “Brocolli vs Kale” from @kelsmith's #ID24 discussion on how framing a solution affects adoption.
— Amelia Bellamy-Royds (@AmeliasBrain) May 19, 2016
What's law got to do with digital accessibility? Watching the webinar while travelling with my colleagues #id24
— Inge Nahuis (@inge_nahuis) May 19, 2016
US devs: a reminder from @LFLegal @ #ID24,
— Amelia Bellamy-Royds (@AmeliasBrain) May 19, 2016
The DOJ enforces Disability Act violations on web sites, even though detailed regs not finished.
Here's article about NBA case: I will try to find out if anything has happened w/it. #ID24
— Lainey Feingold (@LFLegal) May 19, 2016
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[…] My Slides for Inclusive Design 24 for Global Accessibility Awareness Day – Adrian Roselli –… […]
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