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Adrian Roselli
AI-Powered Modeling Intelligent Agent IPA

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Speaking at Avega Group in Stockholm

Rounding out my European tour (I’ll be at Booster in Bergen and ACE! in Krakow) is a speaking gig not at a conference. I’ve been grabbed by the fine folks at Avega Group to speak to their team in Stockholm on the evening of March 19. I’ll be speaking about…


Tags: accessibility, speaking, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG

Using Bookmarklets on Mobile

Viewing comments on Medium (first image), then being prompted to login in order to view comment replies (second image). Both images are current version of Chrome on Android. This is a follow-up to my post CSS Bookmarklets for Testing and Fixing. While surfing Medium the other day I chose to…


Tags: browser, css, standards

Speaking at Booster Conference in Bergen

A couple days ago I mentioned that I’d be speaking at the Ace! Conference in Krakow. I also suggested I might have other speaking gigs around the same time in Europe. Now I can announce that I’ll be in Bergen, Norway speaking at the Booster Conference. Most of my talks…


Tags: analytics, print, speaking, standards

Speaking at ACE! Conference in Krakow

I’ll be spending much of March bringing my shining personality to Europe, partially in the form of speaking engagements. The first one I can announce is the sixth annual ACE! Conference in Krakow Poland on March 16 and 17. Somewhere within that two day conference I’ll be talking about accessibility.…


Tags: accessibility, ARIA, speaking, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

Best Viewed in 1 of 11 Flavors of Chrome!

Make sure you view this on Google’s flavor of Chrome, otherwise, well, I have no idea what will happen. Sometimes it’s frustrating being a developer who’s been around to see Mosaic supplanted by Netscape Navigator supplanted by Internet Explorer supplanted by Chrome/WebKit. Developers just love dumping one platform for the…


Tags: browser, Chrome, Internet Explorer, rant, Safari, standards, WebKit