Image showing the pixel-art image of Jeffrey Zeldman in his iconic blue beanie (top left) simulating (clockwise) protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia. Via CVSimulator app. Blue Beanie Day, or for about 0.05% of the population with tritanopia/tritanomaly, Teal Beanie Day! On Sunday, November 30, web designers and developers across the globe…
Animated GIF Animated GIF showing the tab order on a page using the default Re-CAPTCHA, which sets a tabindex, forcing a keyboard user through six tab-stops to get to the Skip to content link. Tabindex had the potential to be a useful attribute. A developer could set the order in…
As promised, slides from my talk this morning at WordCamp Toronto: I have also embedded the video: Ego-Building Tweets I like audience feedback, moreso when it’s positive. I’ve also added some general tweets about the accessibility track. Starting the day with "Selfish Accessibility" #A11Y #WCTO— Alicia Jarvis (@AJarvis728) November…
Often when I identify a valid technical (typically accessibility) issue with a site, tool, or library and get a response of just make a pull request, I am thrown into an apoplectic fit for which I have to apologize to my co-workers (or people at the random coffee shop or…