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Adrian Roselli
Natural-Language-Processed Funded Tool-Set VRML

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Printing from Mobile Has Improved

With more and more people relying on a mobile device as their primary computing platform, it stands to reason that more and more mobile users may want to print web page content — whether directly to a printer or as a PDF for later use (or display as in the…


Tags: mobile, print, standards, usability, UX

Keep the Focus Outline

This animated GIF is a screen capture of cycling through every interactive element (mostly links) on the page using just the tab key. You’ll note that in all but one case, the only indication of any change is in the lower left in the browser’s status bar where it shows…


Tags: accessibility, css, design, law, rant, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

Verizon Using Disabilities to Fight Net Neutrality

On Friday, Mother Jones reported that it has three sources saying that Verizon lobbyists are making a case on Capitol Hill that net neutrality harms those with disabilities. From Mother Jones: Three Hill sources tell Mother Jones that Verizon lobbyists have cited the needs of blind, deaf, and disabled people…


Tags: accessibility, law, rant, standards, Verizon

Accessible Bootstrap Frameworks

This post originally appeared on the Algonquin Studios blog. If you work much with accessibility, then you might consider the title of this post to be an oxymoron, a self-contradicting mess. Frankly, I tend to agree. Barring a compelling use case, I never start a project with Bootstrap and I…


Tags: accessibility, css, html, JavaScript, mobile, standards, usability, UX, WAI, WCAG

Accessibility Regulation Confusion from U.S. Government

There has been some activity lately from the U.S. federal government related to accessibility requirements for web sites. Unfortunately, that activity is sending a mixed message to many burdened with making a case for accessibility compliance in the private sector. Good News The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) made news…


Tags: accessibility, law, rant, standards, W3C, WAI, WCAG