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Adrian Roselli
Series A Funded Framework RTFM

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WWW Project Turns 20

Twenty years ago, on April 30 1993, CERN announced the World Wide Web project. While the web existed before then, this was the first time that HTML’s specification was opened up to the general public, allowing anyone to learn how to mark up documents. Eight days and twenty years ago,…


Tags: browser, internet

NCSA Mosaic Turns 20

20 years ago today (yesterday), NCSA Mosaic 1.0 was released (read Marc Andreesson’s announcement on www-talk). Mosaic was the browser that opened the web to the masses, making the web more interesting for people like me. As a college student who used Usenet, FTP sites, struggled with WAIS, Archie and…


Tags: browser, internet

Chrome: Blink and You Missed the News

It’s old news by this Thursday morning, but in case you had not heard, Google is forking WebKit to make its own rendering engine, Blink. Opera will be using the Blink fork of WebKit as its rendering engine. A combination of people who are far smarter, far more well connected,…


Tags: Apple, Blink, browser, Chrome, Google, Opera, Safari, standards, W3C, WebKit